History of America: from colonization to the present day

THE HistorygivesAmerica is subdivided, for didactic purposes, into: AmericaPre-Columbian,Discoveryand achievement, Colonial System Assembly, Independence Processes and Americacontemporary. This division has a schematic purpose that fits into specific axes of studies, organized within this section, which we will detail in the following paragraphs.

Generally, the content about the Discovery of America and the mechanisms of conquest is given with the study of Pre-Columbian Peoples. Thus, as we understand the intricacies of the European situation, especially in the Iberian Peninsula, at the end of the 15th century, we try to understand what kind of cultures and civilizations have developed on the American continent, which came to "clash" with the navigators from Europe.

In this sense, the year of 1492 it was a milestone both for European civilization and for the civilizations that already inhabited the American continent before the arrival of the Europeans. The Genoese navigator Christopher Columbus was financed by the

kingsgivesSpain (newly unified), Isabel and Fernando, to launch the navigation of the OceanAtlantic with the objective of reaching the Indies, thus establishing a new commercial route. From this new route, Columbus ended up discovering the new continent, which, at the time, was called the “New World”. The peoples with whom the Spaniards made contact and subsequently conquered were the Aztecs,Mayansand Incas.

THE Spanish colonizationwas the first to take effect on American soil. The assembly of its colonial system relied on devices such as the hacienda, O partition and the order. The extraction of precious metals and the establishment of agriculture based on plantation they were also decisive in Spanish colonization. THE Portuguese colonizationit also took effect in the 16th century, but with very marked differences in relation to the Spanish one. However, this content is already included in the article of HistoryofBrazil.

It follows the colonization of Iberian countries and countries from other regions of Europe, such as Netherlands,France and England. Two of the most important factors for these other countries to launch themselves into the exploration of the “new world” were the religious civil wars, provoked by the RemodelingProtestant, and the search for raw materials and spices, such as sugar. The formation of thirteencolonies in the United States it is inserted in this context.

After studying the colonial period of American History, there is the period of Law SuitinIndependence. These processes, which took place between the second half of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, were incited by bourgeois revolutions in Europe, such as the RevolutionEnglish, The RevolutionFrench and the nationalist movements that, among other things, culminated in the Unificationgerman and Unificationitalian. Characters like Simonbolivar and Josephmarty were fundamental in the independence process of the AmericaHispanic. Before that, there were also in the United States the wars for independence and the search for expansioncourseto theWest.

The establishment of typically American political institutions came at a time when there was a global nationalist wave. In addition, this moment was also fundamental for the integration of the terrestrial globe through the SecondRevolutionIndustrial and the junction of Financial Capitalism with Industrial Capitalism (a phenomenon that some authors call Imperialism). The History of America, from that moment on, was completely imbricated with the HistoryGeneral.

In the 20th century, several phenomena stood out in the context of American History. We have since RevolutionMexican, the entry of countries like the USA and Brazil in FirstWarWorld, the penetration of fascist, anarchist and communist political ideas on American soil (whose significant moment was the RevolutionCuban) even phenomena like the populism Latin American, the dictatorshipscivil/military during the period of WarCold it's the processinredemocratization, especially after the collapse of the USSR

The History of America section even offers a specific subsection just about the countriesgivesAmerica, giving specific details about them.


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