Use of rainwater

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It's every day bigger the water shortage on our planet, and this is no longer an exclusive reality in the Northeast of Brazil or in African countries. Faced with this serious problem, which directly affects everyone, it is increasingly necessary to conscientious use of water.

One of the ways to avoid a sharp decrease in the availability of drinking water is to do your own reuse or the use of rainwater. Unfortunately, many people even think about adhering to some of these alternatives, but they do not know how this can be done and whether this habit can harm their health. the water of rain, for example, has great potential for reuse, but ends up being wasted by many.

THE rainwater without treatment it must be used for non-drinking purposes, that is, it must not be ingested. It is worth noting, however, that by using this water for other purposes, more drinking water is available, consequently, we will be helping others and the environment.

Rainwater can be reused in several ways, such as for

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plant irrigation. The ideal is to leave buckets to collect water and water the plants with this water in the morning and night periods. By choosing these times of day, excessive loss of water through evaporation is avoided, with a better use of water by the plant.

In addition to irrigation, rainwater can be used for washing of sidewalks, floors, cars, among others. At this point, it is important to stress that we should never use the hose to wash sidewalks and cars, as there is an exaggerated waste of water. In the case of sidewalks, the ideal is to always use a broom and, when there is a real need to use water, opt for the bucket. The use of the bucket is also recommended for car washing.

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There are also more efficient ways to use rainwater, such as the creation of reservoirs for its capture. These reservoirs accumulate large amounts of water, which allows for a larger scale use. This technique is already used in many parts of the world, both in homes and in large companies.

In the Northeast of Brazil, several locations already collect rainwater. In these places, in addition to being used for non-potable purposes, the water undergoes treatments and is used for human consumption. This technique is important because in many regions drinking water is a distant reality and people often get sick due to the consumption of poor quality water.

Although the technique can be applied in large urban centers, this may not be a simple task. Pollution in cities can cause water to contain products that can harm human beings. However, it is worth noting that, for non-drinking purposes, water storage is already a reality in several places.

In addition to all these benefits, using rainwater can minimize problems such as floods. As surface water runoff will be less, consequently less water will be accumulated.

It is clear, therefore, that when using rainwater, several problems can be minimized. This is the time to change habits to save the planet, and the difference starts with you!

Save water!

See too: Tips to save water

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Use of rainwater"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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