Chemistry, the science of the study of subjects

Unlike what many students think, the Chemistry it is a science that is not limited only to laboratory research and industrial production. On the contrary, it is very present in our daily lives in various ways and is an important part of it.

His main focus of study is matter, its transformations and the energy involved in these processes. Chemistry explains several phenomena of nature and this knowledge can be used for the benefit of the human being.

Advances in technology and society were only possible thanks to the contributions of Chemistry. For example: in medicine, where drugs and treatment methods have prolonged the lives of many people; in the development of agriculture; in the production of more powerful and renewable fuels; among other extremely important aspects.

At the same time, if this knowledge is not used well, it can (as we've seen it happen sometimes throughout history) be misused. As such, the future of humanity depends on how chemical knowledge will be used. Hence the importance of studying this science.

This section has been prepared with the aim of helping you to decipher this fascinating science that can greatly improve our lives.

By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry

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