Logistics means accounting and organization and is a term of Greek origin. Logistics also comes from the French “logistique”, which means an art that deals with planning and carrying out...
Shalom is a word of Hebrew origin and literally means “peace” in Portuguese translation. This is a term widely used among Jews, mainly as a form of greeting or...
"Gender ideology" is an expression used by critics of the idea that genders are actually social constructions. For the defenders of this "ideology", there is not only gender...
Black Consciousness Day is a date celebrated in Brazil on November 20th. This day is included in the Black Consciousness week and aims to reflect on the introduction of black people in...
Latitude and longitude are descriptions of the location, or geographic coordinates, of a particular place on Earth. How latitude is defined depends on the reference surface used, and...
Rejected is when a request or request was not accepted, did not have an order, or did not happen what the person requested. Rejected is when something was not attended to, regardless of the reason, so...
Knowledge is the act of knowing, having an idea or a notion of something through information presented to it. The word knowledge comes from the Latin cognoscere, which means the act of knowing...
Military dictatorship is a form of government whose political powers are controlled by the military. The meaning of dictatorship refers to any government regime in which all powers are under authority...
Education is the act of educating, instructing, it is politeness, disciplining. In its broadest sense, education means the way in which the habits, customs and values of a community are transferred from a...
Synthesis is a feminine noun from the Greek word synthesis that indicated a composition or arrangement. A synthesis can be a summary, summary, synopsis, that is, an abbreviated description of a...
Cliché, figuratively speaking, is a well-worn idea, a much-repeated formula for speaking or writing, a buzzword. Etymologically, the word cliché comes from the French cliché. They are synonymous with...
Humanism was an intellectual movement started in Italy in the 15th century with the Renaissance and spread throughout Europe, breaking with the strong influence of the Church and religious thought of the Middle Ages. O...
Communication is a word derived from the Latin term "communicare", which means "to share, participate in something, make common". Through communication, humans and animals share different...
Entrepreneurship means undertaking, solving a problem or complicated situation. It is a term used in the business sector and is often related to the creation of new companies or products...
Carnival or Shrovetide are the three days of festivities that precede Ash Wednesday. It is a word that has its origins in the Latin "carna vale" and which means to say "farewell to meat". Carnival arrived in Brazil...