Philosophy and Sociology (11)

Definition of Ideology

Ideology, in a broad sense, means what would be or is ideal. This term has different meanings, and in common sense it is seen as something ideal, which contains a set of ideas,...

meaning of ethics

Ethics is the name given to the branch of philosophy devoted to moral matters. The word ethics is derived from the Greek, and it means way of being. In practice, we can understand this concept a little better by examining...

meaning of moral

Morals are a set of rules, customs and ways of thinking of a social group, which define what we should or should not do in society. The term moral comes from the Latin morales, whose meaning is...

Definition of Professional Ethics

Professional ethics is the set of ethical norms that form the professional's conscience and represent imperatives of his/her conduct. Ethics is a word of Greek origin (éthos), which means...

meaning of knowledge

Knowledge is the act of knowing, having an idea or a notion of something through information presented to it. The word knowledge comes from the Latin cognoscere, which means the act of knowing...

Definition of Deontology

Deontology is a philosophy that is part of contemporary moral philosophy, which means science of duty and obligation. Deontology is a treatise on duties and morals. It's a theory about...

meaning of virtue

Virtue is a moral quality, a positive attribute of an individual. Virtue is an individual's willingness to do good; and it's not just a feature, it's a real...

meaning of philosophy

Philosophy is an area of ​​knowledge dedicated to the construction of logical and rational knowledge. Philosophy produces systematic knowledge through argumentation and the creation of concepts. THE...

Definition of Epistemology

Epistemology, also known as the Theory of Knowledge, is the branch of philosophy that studies how the human being or science itself acquires and justifies its knowledge. In other words, it is the study that...

Definition of Private Property

Private property is a right that gives its holder different powers such as using, enjoying and disposing of a particular movable or immovable property. However, this right cannot be exercised unlimitedly,...

Philosophy and Sociology (7)

meaning of stoicismStoicism is a philosophical school and doctrine that emerged in Ancient Greece...

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Pedro Menezes (Professor of Philosophy)

Degree in Philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2009) and Master in Educ...

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Latest Meanings (5)

The formation of the Brazilian peopleThe Brazilian people are the result of a process called misc...

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