Referential or denotative function

Referential or denotative function is one of (at least) six language functions pointed out by the theories of communication and information. It manifests itself in informative texts, as it is built based on the intention to bring the interlocutor, in a way impersonal and impartial, reality data, facts, circumstances and knowledge.

Although most authors on the subject prefer the referential function nomenclature, we see that it can also be called denotative. This is because, by emphasizing the context, the subject, this function is established by distancing the construction of opinions or interpretations of the author, and so will work with the real, literal meanings of words or expressions, as a way to ensure that the information is highlighted.

Read too: Conative function: emphasis on the recipient with the intention of persuading him

Characteristics of referential or denotative function

Newspaper news has, generally as a predominant language function, the referential or denotative function.

For the sender (speaker) of the text to ensure that the message will be produced in a way that convey information impersonally, some resources are used when structuring the statements. Let's see:

• Flexion of verbs and pronouns in the 3rd person of the speech;

• Absence or distance of character language sequences argumentative and/or persuasive;

• Speech at direct order;

• Use of language denotative;

• Focus on the referent, on the context.

It is very important to emphasize that impersonality is not synonymous with neutrality. Although the search is for the transmission of information without the subjective interference of those who produce the statements, we know that the voice intonation, facial and body expressions can often evidence the position and opinions of the issuer (announcer).

Sometimes we will also see that texts do not always have an exclusive but predominant language function. In this sense, we will indicate the function based on the general intentions in speech, which will help us to recognize the gender it's the type to which the text belongs.

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Considering the communicative objectives of the referential or denotative function, we will see that it manifests itself mainly in texts such as news, scientific articles, instructional books, technical texts etc.

Read this example.

Nobel Prize in Medicine 2019: Understand the Discovery That Leads to the Prize

The work of three researchers helped to understand how the body's cells adapt to the amount of oxygen in the environment.

Rafael Battaglia

The winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine were announced this Monday (7). They are: William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza, from the USA, and Sir Peter Ratcliffe, from the UK. The award was given for his discoveries about how our body's cells perceive and adapt to the levels of oxygen available in the environment.

The three researchers have developed their work individually since the 1990s. Together, their research describes an important physiological mechanism — the hypoxic response of cells — essential for individuals to survive in higher places, where there is a lower concentration of oxygen.

In addition to unraveling how this mechanism works, the Nobel organizers highlighted the importance of the discoveries for future medical applications. According to official announcement, "their discoveries also paved the way for promising new strategies to fight anemia, cancer and many other diseases."

BATTAGLIA, R. Nobel Prize in Medicine 2019: Understand the discovery that led to the prize. Super interesting. Available in: Accessed on: 28 Oct. 2019.

See that the previous text is news, because informs readers about a recent event: the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine. When reporting on the discovery made by scientists, the author presents the information with a direct and objective speech, without emanating your opinions, using sequences in the 3rd person singular, focusing on the subject, in the referent.

Now, look at the image below. Note that, although there is a predominance of languagenonverbal, it is an informative text, in which the objective is to indicate the disposition of the different biomes in Brazil.

Read too: Metalinguistic function: focus on linguistic code

solved exercises

1) Check the alternative that best characterizes the referential or denotative function of the language.

a) Centered on the issuer, it manifests itself through the opinions and feelings of those who write the text.

b) It occurs when people involved in the interaction use expressions such as “good morning”, “goodbye” and “okay?”.

c) Its intention is to produce a stylized message, in order to guarantee the enjoyment of the text.

d) Centered on the interlocutor, aims at persuasion, persuasion.

e) It transmits a message objectively, seeking to inform the interlocutor.

Right answer: alternative and

  1. Read this text.

Pope suggests that it is "better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic"

An improvised commentary was given in a sermon at a morning private mass at his home.

Pope Francis again criticized some members of his own Church, this Thursday (23), suggesting that it is better to be an atheist than one of the "many" Catholics who lead what is said to be a double life and hypocritical. In offhand remarks in a sermon at a morning private mass at his home, he said: “[...] it is a scandal to say one thing and do another. This is a double life."

"There are those who say 'I'm very Catholic, I always go to Mass, I belong to this and this association'", said the head of the Roman Catholic Church, which has about 1.2 billion members, according to Radio transcript Vatican. He said that some of these people must also say "my life is not Christian, I don't pay my employees proper wages, I exploit people, I do dirty business, I launder money, [I take] a double life".

"There are a lot of Catholics who are like that and they cause scandals," he said. "How many times do we all hear people say 'if this person is Catholic, he better be an atheist'."

Since his election in 2013, Francisco has often told Catholics, both priests and unordained members, to practice what the religion preaches. In his frequent improvised sermons, he has already condemned the sexual abuse of children by priests as being equivalent to a "mass satanic," he said that Catholics in the mafia excommunicate themselves, and told his own cardinals not to act like they were. "princes". In less than two months after his election, he said Christians should see atheists as good people if they are good people.

REUTERS Pope suggests that it is better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic. Available in: Accessed on: 10/28/2019

Considering the language, there is a predominance of the function

a) emotive or expressive, as there is a predominance of verbs and pronouns in the first person, demonstrating the subjectivity of the speech.

b) referential or denotative, due to the informative character of the text.

c) metalinguistics, in which the code explains the code itself, which, in this case, is the meaning of the word “catholic”.

d) factual or contact, intending to keep the communication channel open with the website's readers.

Right answer: alternative b

By Ms. Sara Castro
Writing Teacher

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