At the level of or at the level of?

It is very common, especially in informal language, the expression “at the level of”.
However, its use is not accepted by grammarians, as well as another expression: “at the level of”.
In colloquial language, the constructions mentioned above have a similar meaning to other phrases, such as “in scope”, “in terms of status”. However, it is better for the speaker to use words with indisputable meanings, so that he does not suffer constraints in certain social environments.

So, when you say prayers like: “At (A) level of capital, Italy is practically bankrupt.”, prefer to say: “Italy is practically bankrupt because it has no capital.”

However, the use of "at the level of" is correct when the preposition "a" is combined with the article "o" and means "at the same height":

a) I cannot say that whoever kills is at the level of people who steal, with regard to the consequences.
b) Today, Florianópolis woke up at sea level.

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Likewise, the expression "at the level of" is used correctly when it is equivalent to "of scope" or "with status of":

a) The survey will be carried out at the national level.
b) The voting of the new federal law will be done at the board level.

The important thing is to know that the expressions "at the level of" and "at the level of" are not wrong, but are refuted by grammarians, that is, by the cultured norm of the language. There is indeed an exaggeration and misuse of such phrases that have already taken the place of others, such as: "with respect", in the scope", "in relation to", "with regard to", "as to", among others. This fact is not good, as it delimits the Portuguese language, which is vast, versatile and rich in vocabulary!

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

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Attachment or Attachment - Learn about the correct use of the term and expression!

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "At the level of or at the level of? "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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