Verbi riflessivi per esprimere le emozioni

Question testo is a curiosità, perché i diversi verbi che indicano emozioni sono riflessivi and esistono anche come aggettivi. / This text is a curiosity, as the various verbs that indicate emotions are reflexive and these also exist as adjectives.

Vedi alcuni verbi alla tabella: / See some verbs in the table.

verbi riflessivi aggettivi
feel sad/happy sad/happy








have fun


Meaning dei verbi: / Meaning of verbs:

- Sentirsi = feel (state of mind)

- Rilassarsi = relax

- Arrabiarsi = rage

- Preoccuparsi = worry

- Annoiarsi = Get upset

- Divertirisi = to have fun

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) I sit bene when parlo con te./ I feel good when I talk to you.

2) Luigi non-risce a rillasarsi when il ragazzo di sua figlia is his house. / Luigi can't relax when his daughter's boyfriend is at his house.

3) Perché you arrabi when la luce limps? / Why do you get angry when there's no light?

4) I worry molto with Luigi. / I worry a lot about Luigi.

5) Always go with Giulia, my year. / Whenever I go out with Giulia, I get bored.

6) we had fun always when you're Mario. / We always have fun when Mario is.

Nota bene!/ Pay attention!

There is a difference tra il value dell'use of an aggettivo and there valore dell’ use of a riflessivo verb. / There is a difference between the use value of an adjective and the use value of a reflexive verb.

  • When you use il riflessivo per esprimere emozione, vuol dire che questo verb indicates l'attimo giusto cui la persona diventa spaventata, depressa, arrabiata ecc. / When the reflexive verb is used to express emotion, it means that this verb indicates the right moment when the person becomes fearful/frightened, depressed, angry, etc.
  • When you use l'aggettivo, it's just that you see the achievement of a stat the fact that it happens after a while. / When you use the adjective, surely what you see is the consequence of a state or fact that has been going on for some time.

Vedi delle frasi e fà paragoni: / See some sentences and make comparisons:

1) È arrabiata with Giuseppe. / She's mad at Giuseppe.

2) Sleep nervous perché hanno perso l’aereo. / They're nervous because they missed the plane.

3) Giulia she worries always che Mario non la chiama. / Giulia worries whenever Mario doesn't call her.

4) my year always brought from Luigi. / I get bored whenever I go to Luigi's house.

5) Perché Luigi he innervosisce when does he drive? / Why does Luigi get annoyed when he drives?

6) Sleep spaventata con questa situazione. / I'm scared of this situation.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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