Upon entering elementary school-II, the student must develop adaptation skills so that everything goes well in their studies.
These adaptations will not happen abruptly, but providing conditions for the student to be able to overcome the steps that follow.
In the first contact, in the first days of class, it is possible to notice that there will not only be one teacher, but one for each subject. Previously, different teachers were only for extracurricular activities, such as arts, physical education, English and others.
The contact with several teachers makes the student become more independent, as he/she no longer receives guidance from a single person.
It is important to maintain the organization of materials, notebooks, as mixing them can hinder performance, homework or even studies.
Around eleven years of age, the student is able to formulate hypotheses about social facts, being able to make references to the subjects studied in the classroom, associating them with reality.
Therefore, it is necessary to keep in touch with quality magazines and newspapers or at least watch to a national television newspaper to learn about what is happening in the world. In this way, you will be able to realize the importance of your knowledge for the collective.
Friendships become more solid, teenagers start to socialize more with their peers, looking for references for the things they like, outside the family environment.
All these learnings are excellent ways to face challenges, as they leave the student independent, secure and able to face life.
By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/alunos-ensino-fundamental-ii.htm