Popular Meanings (5)

Definition of Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus, also known as udyat, is a symbol that means power and protection. The eye of horus was one of the most important amulets in Ancient Egypt, and were used as a representation of...

Definition of Swag

Swag is an English slang term often used in social media that reveals the way a person presents himself. Swag means an impressive style, appearance, or attitude. Used most of the time...

Definition of Xenophobia

Xenophobia means aversion to foreign people or things. The term is of Greek origin and is formed from the words “xenos” (foreigner) and “phobos” (fear). Xenophobia can be characterized...

Definition of NIS

NIS stands for Social Identification Number. It is a registration number assigned by Caixa Econômica Federal to people who will benefit from a social project and still do not have a registration in the...

Definition of Ideology

Ideology, in a broad sense, means what would be or is ideal. This term has different meanings, and in common sense it is seen as something ideal, which contains a set of ideas,...

Definition of Crush

Crush is an English term that means “crush” or “collision”, literally translated into Portuguese. However, this word is also commonly used in the sense...

Definition of Prejudice

Prejudice is a preconceived judgment, which manifests itself in a discriminatory attitude towards people, beliefs, feelings and behavior tendencies. It is an idea formed in advance and not has...

meaning of wedding

Marriage is the name of the celebration of wedding parties, whether civil or religious. The wedding is celebrated every year and each year receives a different meaning and name. The term...

Definition of Epistemology

Epistemology, also known as the Theory of Knowledge, is the branch of philosophy that studies how the human being or science itself acquires and justifies its knowledge. In other words, it is the study that...

Definition of Star of David

Star of David is a symbol also known as the shield of David used by followers of Judaism. It is a symbol that has different interpretations and is present in various manifestations...

Meaning of Alienation

Alienation has different meanings, it can be a transfer of assets, transfer of domain of something or a mental disturbance. Alienation is the impairment of individuals' ability to think or...

Meaning of Yeshua

Yeshua is a Hebrew root term meaning “to save” or “salvation”. It is considered by some scholars to be the original name of Jesus Christ written in Hebrew. However, it is a theme in...

Definition of Illuminati

Illuminati is the name of a secret group that aims to take over the world by founding a New World Order. The word illuminati is a Latin term that means "illuminated" and represents...

meaning of freedom

Freedom originates from the Latin Libertas and means the condition of the individual who has the right to make autonomous choices, according to his own will. In the Christian tradition, freedom is...


Ethnocentrism is a concept in Anthropology defined as the vision demonstrated by someone who considers their ethnic group or culture to be the center of everything, therefore, on a more important plane than the others...

Latest Meanings (273)

meaning of officeOffice is an English word that means office. It has its origins in the Latin off...

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Popular Meanings (273)

Definition of BitcoinBitcoin (also known by the acronym BTC), is a virtual (or digital) currency ...

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Popular Meanings (274)

meaning of sustenanceSustança is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means "something ...

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