O Planet Earth is one of the planets that are part of the Solar system and is the thirdplanet closest to the Sun. Its formation took place billions of years ago, as did the existence of life here. Some theories explain its origin, such as the solar nebula theory.
The Earth is considered a telluric planet and has its internal structure divided into: earth's crust, mantle and core. In addition to the external structure, there is also the internal one that corresponds to the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere, which are what offer the favorable conditions for the existence of life here.
See too:Planets of the Solar System - what are they and characteristics
Characteristics of Planet Earth and its formation
Planet Earth, also known as world, blue planet or water planet, has about 70% of its surface covered by water. The existence of this substance in its liquid state, together with the presence of oxygen and the ability to recycle carbon dioxide make the Earth a planet with unique characteristics.
Despite the great astronomical discoveries, there is still no way to say that there is a planet with such peculiar characteristics capable of providing the existence of living beings. And the Earth is not only “alive” from a biological perspective, but also from an atmospheric, geological and physical perspective, since all of this is constantly changing.
As for its formation, it is estimated that it took place approximately 4.56 billion years ago. The most accepted theory currently about the origin of the Solar System, and consequently of our planet, is the nebula theory. proposed in 1644 by René Descartes, reformulated in 1775 by Immanuel Kant and later in 1796 by Pierre-Simon de Laplace.
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This theory believes that the planets of the Solar System, including ours, formed from the collapse of a cloud that was rotating at high speed and contracted. It is believed that the Sun was formed from the cloud's central concentration, and the planets from the remaining particles. Some theories say that life appeared on Earth a billion years after its formation.
In addition to presenting conditions favorable to the existence of life, the Earth also has natural resources (renewable and not renovable) that provide for the maintenance of this existence. It is through these resources that living beings maintain themselves, as mineral resources, energy sources, food, among others, are removed. In the midst of evolutionary history, man has adapted to the conditions presented by the Earth and improved its skills, taking from her what was necessary for her survival more and more need.
As for its shape, it corresponds to a spheroid, having its poles somewhat flattened.
→ Planet Earth General Data
Diameter |
Approximately 12,756.2 km |
Surface area |
Approximately 510,072,000 km2 |
Pasta |
5.9736 x 1024 kg |
distance from the sun |
About 149,600,000 km |
Natural satellite |
1 (Moon) |
rotation period |
23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds |
translation period |
365 days 5 hours and 48 minutes |
Average temperature |
14°C |
land population |
Approximately 7,722,522,000 inhabitants |
See too:Why don't we feel the Earth rotate?
How is planet Earth divided?
Planet Earth is one of the four rocky planets in the Solar System, also known as telluric or terrestrial. These rocky planets have a similar internal structure divided into:
→ Inner Earth Layers
The Earth is divided into the Earth's crust, mantle and core.
Earth's crust
The crust is also known as lithosphere and corresponds to outermost layer of the Earth, formed by rocks and minerals such as silicon, magnesium, iron and aluminum. It has an average of 10 kilometers under the oceans and between 25 and 100 kilometers under the continents.
In it, the continents, islands and the ocean floor are found. In addition, it is observed that she it's not a solid layer, as there are divisions that form big onesblocksrocky known as tectonic plates, which move and can provoke tremors on the earth's surface.
O cloak it is located between the earth's crust and the core. It is known as middle layer, which is divided into upper and lower mantle. It can have a depth of about 30 to 2900 km below the crust and, unlike it, the mantle it's not solid.
With an average temperature of up to 2,000°C, this layer is composed of magmatic material (in a pasty state) mainly composed of iron, magnesium and silicon. The movement of magma, known as convection currents, causes the rock block movement that make up the earth's crust.
the core is the innermost layer of the Earth and divides into outer core and inner core. It is also the layer that presents the biggertemperature, which, according to scientists, can reach 6,000°C.
It is formed by iron, silicon, nickel and, despite the high temperatures that should keep these compounds in a liquid state, the core has highpressure, which ends up grouping these substances, keeping them solid.
readalso:Layers of the Earth – know the internal structure of our planet
→ Earth's outer structure
As far as the outer part of planet Earth is concerned, there is also a classification of its structure.
The outer layers of the Earth are: biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.
- Atmosphere
corresponds to a layergaseous that involves the entire Planet Earth. It is formed by gases maintained by gravity, whose main function is protect the planet from solar radiation emitted, filtering it, in addition keep the average temperature of the Earth, so that there is not a large thermal amplitude.
THE atmosphere it also prevents the Earth from being hit by rock fragments. This layer has the division of sublayers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere.
Corresponds to the layer that comprises the water bodies of Planet Earth. It encompasses not only the oceans, but also the seas, rivers, lakes and groundwater.
Corresponds to set of ecosystems who understand the Earth. Basically, it concerns the groups of living beings that inhabit it. These ecosystems are found from the highest points on the planet to parts of the ocean floor.
Planet Earth in the Universe
Earth has the largest natural satellite in the Solar System, the Moon.
Earth is one of the eight planets that make up the Solar System, located in the Milky Way. It is considered the largest in diameter and density among the rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars).
This planet is not static, therefore, it performs several movements, the main ones being: the rotation movement, which consists of the movement around its own axis, originating day and night, and the translation movement, performed around the Sun, giving rise to the calendar year and the seasons.
The Earth has a single largest natural satellite self in the Solar System, the Moon, which strongly influences the tides, due to the gravitational force that exists between these stars. Due to the positioning of this satellite in relation to our planet and the Sun, it is possible to observe the four lunar phases (new, full, waning and crescent).
readalso:Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth?
Curiosities about Planet Earth
Did you know the Earth is not flat? Scientists used various techniques to reach this conclusion. Currently, geodesy is the science that studies the dimensions, shape and gravity of the planet and allows us to say that the Earth has a rounded shape.
The Earth's rotation gradually slows down, however, almost imperceptibly to humans. This decrease is approximately 17 milliseconds every 100 years and causes the day length to increase.
Earth was not named after the Roman method of designation, unlike the other seven planets in the Solar System.
by Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography