Forget-me-not flower means memory, loyalty and true love. It is also known as “Forget-Me-Not”.
The forget-me-not flower can have more than 50 varieties and by some people it is also known as Veronica. It also symbolizes the charity and the fraternity.
Forget-me-not flower (blue), also known as "Forget-Me-Not".
This is a creeping plant that originates in Russia, and in the flowering stage it can reach 25 or 30 cm in height. It must be cultivated in the sun or in semi-shade and considering that it is a flower that likes low temperatures, it is common to find it in places of high altitude, such as the Andes.
According to European legend, the young man in love was a knight who, when trying to catch the Forget-me-not flower to offer to his beloved, fell into the river and drowned due to the weight of the armor he was wearing. Since then, the flower has symbolized sincere and desperate love.
The explanation of the name "forget-me-not" of the flower can be explained by some legends. One of them says that on a beautiful spring day, two young people in love met on the bank of a river. In the turbulent waters, the young woman saw a bunch of forget-me-nots floating and marveled at the beauty of the flower. Her beloved then dived to pick up the flowers and offer them to his girlfriend. However, when he tried to get back to shore, he was swept away by the strong current. This legend tells that just before disappearing he shouted to his beloved: "Don't forget me, love me forever!" From that day on, the forget-me-not flower began to grow on the banks of rivers, so that no one else would have to die because of it.
Another legend tells that Adam, when he was in the Garden of Eden naming plants, forgot about a very small plant, which asked Adam to find out what its name would be. Adam then said it would be “Forget-me-not” so that he would never forget her.
The Forget-me-not (Forget-me-not) flower is also known in other languages as: “Forget-me-not" (English), "Vergissmeinnicht" (German), "Nomeolvides" (Spanish), "Nontiscordardime” (Italian).
The Forget-me-not flower was used as a secret emblem of Freemasonry, so that Freemasons could identify themselves during the persecutions of Masonic lodges in Germany.
It is said that the tears shed on the petals by the Virgin Mary gave the flower its blue color. There are also white and pink forget-me-nots. They are creeping plants that thrive in low temperatures and appear in spring.