Meaning of Azalea (What it is, Concept and Definition)

azaleaTHE azalea is a bush of the genus Rhododendron of Chinese and Japanese origin, with dark green leaves and very abundant flowering. This flower was declared as one of the symbols of the city of São Paulo by Mayor Jânio Quadros.

The term azalea is very common in Brazil, although it is less correct. Azaléia derives from azalea (the correct term in Brazil), the Latin term given by Linnaeus in 1735. The word azalea comes from the Greek and means "dry" or "arid". Perhaps this name was given because before flowering, the azalea is just a shrub with dry branches.

Some native species were transported to Belgium and Holland, and there they were genetically altered. For this reason, the azalea has a wide variety of colors, being red, pink, white or a mixture of these three colors. This plant should be grown in full sun exposure, adapts well to cold weather and appreciates acidic soils.

In Brazil the most popular species is the Rhododendron indicum, which despite naturally presenting purple, pink and white flowers, can be found in several other shades thanks to genetic manipulation.

Azalea, a plant of the Ericaceae family, usually means "joy of love" and perseverance. However, different colors have different meanings. The pink azalea represents the love of nature; the white azalea is an indication of romance and the red azalea, when given to someone, means that you have loved that person for a long time. Floral arrangements made up of azaleas are related to elegance and happiness.

The azalea is associated with a Chinese legend. This legend tells the story of a fearless emperor who achieved fantastic victories in wars. Despite that, he was not happy. That's because he didn't have the love of a woman he could only glimpse in his dreams. One day, when he was returning from yet another battle, a vendor offered him a beautiful plant with wonderful flowers. Dazzled by the beauty of the flowers, the Emperor wasted no time in planting them in his garden. Shortly thereafter, the Emperor finally found the woman he saw in his dreams. Remembering the seller's indication, the emperor and his beloved drank tea made with the petals of this flower every day. And each day they became more in love and lived happily ever after.

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