Nard (Nardostachys jatamansi), also known as spiky, Indian nard and jatamansi, is a plant native to Nepal, China and India whose essential oil is used as perfume or to medicinal purposes .
It is a plant of the grass family, which can grow up to 1 meter in height and has white and pink bell-shaped flowers.
The word nard is also synonymous with perfume, because aromatic oil is used to make perfumes.

Spikenard balm also has several medicinal properties, being used in the treatment of the skin (it has anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and bactericidal properties), to treat pain from angina, varicose veins or hemorrhoids. In addition, it also has a sedative effect, being used as a tranquilizer. It also has antiseptic characteristics, being used to treat digestive and respiratory system problems.
nard in bible
In the Bible, oils were used to anoint a particular person, usually with the aim of attributing authority to a person who will perform some function, such as a king or a prophet, for example. In addition, anointing with an oil also occurred when someone needed healing. Oil made from spikenard flowers is mentioned 24 times in the Bible.
The expression bring down the spikenard it could mean anointing someone with that oil.
The best known episode with spikenard oil occurred in John 12:3: So Mary took a bottle of pure nard, which was an expensive perfume, poured it over Jesus' feet and dried them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
In chapter 14 of Mark, it is mentioned that the perfume bottle in question cost 300 denarii, amount that corresponded to approximately 300 days of salary, which means that it was a very expensive.