April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day

O World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated in April 2nd and it's an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or autism, as it is popularly known. ASD is quite complex and individuals do not present a standard developmental picture, and it is possible to observe different manifestations.

In general, people with ASD present difficulty in social interaction and restricted or repetitive interests. It is noteworthy that some people may have ASD and develop completely independently; others, however, may need attention to carry out activities throughout their lives. Although there is no cure, therapies are essential for the individual's development and greater independence.

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Topics that have already been covered on World Autism Awareness Day

O World Autism Awareness Day was created in 2007 for the United Nations Organization. The purpose of the date is to ensure awareness of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and, in this way, increasingly reduce the existing prejudice against this audience.

World Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2nd.
World Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2nd.

Each year, a different theme is worked on. The theme of 2018, for example, was “Empowering Women and Girls with Autism” and emphasized the importance of gender equality and the need for women with ASD to be increasingly respected and heard.

In 2019, the theme was "Assistive technologies, active participation" and focused on existing strategies to promote the autonomy and independence of this audience and to give voice to people with ASD. In 2020, the theme is "Respect for the entire spectrum" and reinforces the need for us to understand the complexity of ASD and that no individual is affected in the same way. Therefore, everyone deserves respect.

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Various activities are carried out on World Autism Awareness Day, such as workshops and lectures. Also, to draw attention to the date, several monuments are lit blue.

See too: Blue November – extremely important campaign for men's health

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be noticed in childhood and persists throughout the individual's life. According to the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, there are about two million people in Brazil with ASD. Its causes are not well known, however, genetic and environmental factors are involved.

ASD manifests itself in different ways in each individual, so the term spectrum is adopted. In general, people with this disorder have difficulty in communicating social interaction, as well as restrictive or repetitive behaviors and/or interests. It is also worth noting that about 10% of people with ASD have great mathematical, artistic, musical and memory skills (savantism).

Diagnosis of ASD is usually not made quickly and is usually made when the individual is between 4 or 5 years of age. Several signs, however, can suggest that a person has ASD, but only a professional can confirm the diagnosis.

Among the signs suggesting ASD and they can be noticed in the individual's first year of life, we can mention: little eye contact, not keeping the gaze steady, showing more interest by objects than by people, not vocalization, not responding to the name, presenting low social reciprocity and feeling exaggerated discomfort to sounds tall.

ASD has no cure, but therapies can help the individual to develop. It is a very complex disorder and each child has its own particularity. Thus, the treatment is also individual, taking into account the needs of each one. To learn more about it, read the specific text on the topic: Autism.

Rights of the person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

 The puzzle is the symbol of autism and represents the complexity of ASD and everything that remains to be discovered about the topic.
The puzzle is the symbol of autism and represents the complexity of ASD and everything that remains to be discovered about the topic.

A person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), for all legal purposes, is considered a person with a disability. Thus, there are specific laws that guarantee the rights of those who have TEA. THE Law No. 12764 of December 27, 2012, for example, institutes the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder. According to this law, the rights of the person with ASD are:

I - a dignified life, physical and moral integrity, free personality development, safety and leisure;

II - protection against any form of abuse and exploitation;

III - access to health actions and services, with a view to providing comprehensive care to their health needs, including:

a) early diagnosis, although not definitive;

b) multidisciplinary care;

c) adequate nutrition and nutritional therapy;

d) medications;

e) information that helps in diagnosis and treatment;

IV - access:

a) education and vocational training;

b) housing, including protected residence;

c) the labor market;

d) social security and social assistance.

we still have the Law No. 13,977, of January 8, 2020, that creates the Identification Card of the Person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Ciptea), free of charge. According to the text of the law, Ciptea aims to “ensure comprehensive care, prompt service and priority in service and access to public and private services, especially in the areas of health, education and social assistance.” This law is also known as Lei Romeo Mion, in honor of the son of presenter Marcos Mion, who has TEA.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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