World Day of Prayer

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The World Day of Prayer is celebrated around the world on the first Friday of March.

Prayer is an act from within man, where he talks to God to thank him for the good things in his life, to ask for guidance about his problems and for what he longs for.

Praying is a way that man finds in seeking divine strength and, without discrimination of religion, this act is of fundamental importance for a Christian life, because the person who prays is the most benefited by the strength of his own prayer.

There are people who make prayer groups, vigils, in order to ask for someone's health, to ask for protection, better living conditions, employment, inner healing, peace, etc. But according to the religious teachings, we should not just ask, but give thanks for all the simplest things that God gives us, which are very important to our lives, such as the air we breathe, nature as a whole, health, food, work, etc.

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Another way to love God is through praise, singing words of reverence to Him and worship. Through praise, we demonstrate our appreciation for his righteousness and grow stronger in our faith.

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God is omnipotent and omnipresent, and as we pray, we must maintain this condition of the Father as our great creator.

A great principle of God is to teach children to worship him from a very young age. It is the duty of parents or guardians to direct them to His teachings, as families are structured according to Christian principles they have more harmony, friendship and respect, being closer to not being destroyed by the modern world, by the temptations of life human.

Men who follow God's principles, who seek to follow his teachings, will be blessed in life and in death, gaining his kingdom.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

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BARROS, Jussara de. "World Day of Prayer"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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