In the southern region of Brazil, more precisely in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in its southwestern portion, there is an environmental problem that has been worsening over time: the sandization. It is the formation of sandbanks in soils predisposed to this occurrence, which causes the depletion of arable areas and the consequent loss of vegetation and nutrients.
It is very common to confuse the process of sandization with the of desertification. However, these are basically different phenomena, as desertification corresponds to soil degradation in regions of arid and semi-arid climate, which have precipitation rates of less than 1400mm per year and lower than evaporation.
In Rio Grande do Sul, the climate, which is subtropical, has higher rainfall and precipitation is greater than evaporation. Therefore, there is no desertification in southern Brazil, a process that takes place in the Northeast region of the country. The rains, in fact, play an important role in the sandization process, something that does not happen in the phenomenon of desertification.
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THE sandization in the southern region it occurs by the sum of some factors: the predisposition of the soils, which are naturally sandy; their intensive use in agriculture; the removal of vegetation and the removal of nutrients. With the deforestation of areas for agriculture, the soils are more exposed to the action of rain, which helps in sedimentation and movement of the sediments, which, in turn, give rise to the sands that cover the soils and make the landscape, in many cases, similar to areas of desert.
It is worth remembering that sanding is a natural process and its occurrence in Rio Grande do Sul has several historical records. However, the intensification of agriculture in this region throughout the 20th century contributed to a unparalleled intensification of this problem, which has become chronic in much of the geographic space local. Therefore, in addition to conserving the sandy soil areas, it is necessary to take measures to mitigate impacts, such as the cultivation of vegetation and surface fertilization.
By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena
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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "Sanding in the South region"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.