Aspects of the population of Paraíba

Located in the Northeast region of Brazil, the state of Paraíba has a territorial extension of 56,469.466 kilometers square, divided into 223 municipalities distributed in the mesoregions of Mata Paraibana, Agreste, Borborema and Sertão.

According to data from the 2010 Demographic Census, carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the population of Paraíba totals 3,766,528 inhabitants, being the fifth most populous state in the Northeast Brazilian. This population contingent corresponds to 1.97% of the national population.

Located on the coast of the state, João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba, is the most populous city in the state – 723,515 inhabitants. Other cities in Paraíba that have a high population concentration are: Campina Grande (385,213), Santa Rita (120.310), Patos (100,674), Bayeux (99,716), Sousa (65,803), Cajazeiras (58,446), Guarabira (55,326) and Cabedelo (57.944).

João Pessoa, the most populous city in Paraíba
João Pessoa, the most populous city in Paraíba

With a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.718, Paraíba occupies the 24th place in the HDI ranking of Brazilian states, that is, it holds the fourth lowest index in the country. Illiteracy affects 21.6% of the population, being the third worst national average, as only the rates in Alagoas (24.6%) and Piauí (23.4%) are higher. Another social problem in the state refers to the infant mortality rate: 35.2 deaths per thousand live births.

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Paraíba population data:

Total population (2010): 3,766,528 inhabitants

Demographic growth: 0.9% per year

Demographic density: 66.7 inhabitants per square kilometer

Urban population: 75.4%

Rural population: 24.6%

Access to treated water: 79.2%

Access to sewage network: 40.5%

Illiteracy: 21.6%

Functional illiteracy: 33.4%

Infant mortality: 35.2 for every thousand live births

Intentional homicides (with intent to kill): 22.6 per 100,000 inhabitants

GDP per capita: 6,866 reais

Human Development Index (HDI): 0.718.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Aspects of the population of Paraíba"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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