Argumentative letter: structure, characteristics and example

August 24, 1954


Once again, the forces and interests against the people have coordinated and are unleashed on me. They don't accuse me, they insult me; they don't fight me, they slander; and they don't give me the right to defence. They need to suffocate my voice and impede my action, so that I don't continue to defend, as I always defended, the people and especially the humble.

I follow the destiny that is imposed on me. After decades of domination and dispossession by international economic and financial groups, I became the head of a revolution and won.

I started the liberation work and established the social freedom regime. I had to resign. I returned to government in the arms of the people.

The underground campaign of international groups joined with that of national groups revolted against the work guarantee regime. The extraordinary profits law was stopped in Congress. Against the Justice of the revision of the minimum wage, hatred was unleashed.

I wanted to create national freedom in the potential of our wealth through Petrobras, as soon as it starts to work, the wave of unrest mounts. Eletrobrás was hampered to despair. They don't want the worker to be free, they don't want the people to be independent.

I took over the government within the inflationary spiral that destroyed the values ​​of work. The profits of foreign companies reached up to 500% a year. In the declarations of values ​​of what we mattered there were frauds verified of more than 100 million dollars a year. Then came the coffee crisis, our main product appreciated. We tried to defend its price and the response was violent pressure on our economy to the point where we were forced to give in.

I've been fighting month by month, day by day, hour by hour, resisting constant, incessant pressure, everything supporting in silence, forgetting everything and renouncing myself, to defend the people who now fall helpless. I can give you nothing else but my blood. If birds of prey want someone's blood, want to continue sucking the Brazilian people, I offer my life as a holocaust.

I choose this way to be always with you. When you are humbled, you will feel my soul suffering at your side. When hunger knocks at your door, you will feel in your chest the energy to fight for you and your children.

When they revile you, you will feel in my thoughts the strength to react.

My sacrifice will keep you united and my name will be your banner of struggle. Every drop of my blood will be an immortal flame in your consciousness and will hold the sacred vibration for resistance. To hate I respond with forgiveness. And to those who think they've defeated me, I answer with my victory. I was the people's slave and today I am freed for eternal life. But these people, to whom I was a slave, will no longer be anyone's slave.

My sacrifice will be forever in your soul and my blood will be the price of your ransom.

I fought against the dispossession of Brazil. I fought against the dispossession of the people. I've fought with an open chest. Hatred, infamy, slander did not lower my spirits. I gave you my life. Now I offer my death. I'm not afraid. I quietly take the first step on the path to eternity and step out of life into history.

 Getulio Vargas

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