How to prevent the flu in the school environment?

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THE school community is always very affected when it comes to contagious diseases.With the the flu it is no different, being common, in times of outbreak, the contagion of a large number of students and even teachers. This is mainly due to the fact that, in the school environment, we have the presence of many people, facilitating the transmission of diseases.

How to prevent the flu in the school environment?

As this location facilitates the transmission of disease, it is important to take some preventive measures to avoid outbreaks. The entire school community must be aware, being fundamental to conjunct action parents/guardians, students, teachers and other employees of the educational institution. Here are some important points for prevent the flu in the school environment:

See too:Tips to prevent H1N1 flu (Influenza A)

12 measures to prevent the flu at school

1. Students and professionals should not attend school if they are diagnosed with the flu. It is recommended that activities only resume 24 hours after the fever has disappeared or seven days after the onset of symptoms. At this point, the help of parents/guardians, who should not send their children to school, is essential. Teachers and other professionals need to be aware of symptoms, immediately communicating to those responsible when students present conditions similar to flu;

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2. Avoid contact with people with symptoms indicative of flu;

3. Explain to students the importance of always wash your hands well, especially after coughing or sneezing and before eating;

4. Explain to students that eyes, nose and mouth must not be touched without the hands being properly sanitized;

5. Teach students the importance of protect your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, preferably using disposable tissues. When handkerchiefs are not available, it is recommended to protect the nose and mouth using the bend of the elbow;

6. explain to students why we should not share personal items, as cups and bottles;

7. Encourage students to use disposable cups instead of drink water directly from drinking fountain;

8. Raise awareness about the importance of vaccination;

9. the school must properly sanitize objects that will be used in activities with students.In day care centers, for example, it is essential to clean the toys offered to children with soap and water;

10. The school must provide liquid soap and paper towels so that students and professionals can properly carry out the hand hygiene. It is also interesting to provide dispensers with alcohol gel;

11. Keep the classroom open and airy;

12. Promote awareness campaigns.

Realize that simple measures can prevent the spread of the flu in the school environment. All that's needed is everyone's involvement.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -
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