O time to decomposition of trash in the environment varies according to the product being analyzed. Some materials, such as glass, take hundreds of years to completely disappear from the environment, while others, such as paper, take a few months. The fact is that, regardless of the decomposition time, many of these materials cause damage to the environment and living beings and, therefore, should not be disposed of incorrectly.
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→ The waste decomposition time in the environment
O garbage is made up of different products, such as food scraps, paper, cloth, glass and plastic. Each of these components will have a different decomposition time. See table below:
Decomposition time of different products
As we have seen, rubber, glass and plastic stand out for the time they take to decompose and can remain in the environment for several generations. By remaining in the middle, they can put several species at risk. The plastic is in the ranking of those that kill the most – there are several reports of aquatic animals that die as a result of ingesting plastic or because they are wrapped in these materials. In addition, some materials have toxic substances that pollute and kill species.
→ The importance of proper waste disposal
Properly disposing of garbage is essential so that materials such as plastic and glass do not remain in the environment causing damage to the species. Therefore, it is essential to have ecological awareness and also rethink our consumption habits.
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all that can be recycled should be forwarded for this purpose, hence the importance of correctly separating the products that can be recycled - plastic, paper, glass and metal can go through this process.
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Many animals die feeding on garbage thrown in an inappropriate place
Another important point is never throw trash in inappropriate places, such as public roads and vacant lots. In addition to helping to clog up manholes, garbage can contain substances that are harmful to humans and other animals, in addition to attracting disease vectors.
We can't forget about the Donation. Many products that we think are no longer useful may be needed by someone else. At this point, it is worth reiterating the importance of evaluating our consumption habits. Is everything we buy really necessary?
Correct habits regarding garbage they reduce the accumulation of these residues, ensuring a healthy environment for us and future generations. Always remember: all the garbage we produce, if disposed of incorrectly, negatively affects the planet and some products can cause damage for years to come.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Garbage decomposition time"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/tempo-decomposicao-lixo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.