Fistulated animals. Fistulated animals: what are they?

THE fistulation is a world-renowned technique that is constantly being criticized by defenders of animal rights, which frequently launch petitions to end this technique in research agricultural.

The technique consists of leaving a part of an animal's digestive system exposed, usually cattle and sheep, through openings made in the skin to the organ that one wishes to observe. After opening the place, a tube is placed so that the opening is sealed and it is possible to have access to the digestive system. In the postoperative period, it is important to use antibiotics and cleaning must be done daily in order to avoid any infection. It is noteworthy that this procedure is performed using anesthesia, without causing pain to the animal.

This technique is used for experiments where you want to observe the functioning of the digestive system of these animals and obtain ruminal fluid. EMBRAPA carries out several experiments with fistulated animals and highlights that, in addition to studies of physiology and metabolism, fistulated animals are used in research for development of strategies for mitigation of enteric methane and obtaining samples for the study of rumen microorganisms that may play a role in obtaining enzymes for production of ethanol. Therefore, they are important studies for agricultural development.

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Furthermore, the study of the behavior of the digestive system allows an animal's diet to be adjusted and stressful situations to be noticed. From there, you can improve your productivity and reproduction.

There is usually no physiological variation in the animal. However, some complications have been reported due to fistulation. Among the complications, leakage of the contents of the rumen can be highlighted, leading, consequently, to dehydration and malnutrition in the fistulated animal.

by Vanessa dos Santos
Graduated in Biology

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Fistulated animals"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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