Nails. Nail functions and their parts

At nails are ectodermal derivatives composed of hard keratin whose main function is to protection of the ends of the fingers and toes, as well as acting in the manipulation of small objects. In addition, women's nails also have the function of decoration.

The nails are formed by four basic epithelia called the nail matrix, the nail bed, the proximal nail fold and the hyponychium. THE nail matrix it is the region where the germinal epithelium is found, that is, where cell proliferation occurs. The cells produced in this region form the nail plate, structure that covers the nail bedl (region just below the nail). The nail plate has a whitish region at the proximal end of the nail, which is named after lunula, and a free-edge region. Below the freeboard is the hyponychium. THE proximal nail fold corresponds to the junction of the nail and the skin.

The nail grows approximately 3mm per month on the hands and only 1mm on the feet. It is estimated that, when we lose the toenail, it takes around four months to regenerate, while the toenails can take up to eight months. The growth rate can vary from person to person and also be inhibited due to illness or even malnutrition.

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Nails, despite what many people think, carry important signs of some pathologies, even if not very specific. In the absence of some nutrients, for example, it is noticed that the nails become opaque, dull and brittle. In hyperthyroidism, this structure weakens, as in cases of leukemia.

Sometimes, the nails can present diseases, as in the case of onychomycosis. In this condition, fungi attack the nails and can cause stains, detachment and shedding. Another common disease is the nail psoriasis, a pathology of unknown causes that causes depressions, thickening and detachment of the nail.

Heads up: Overuse of nail polish can make your nails weak. Avoid constant painting of this structure.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Nails"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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