Founding Fathers of the United States

Whenever we study the history of nations that were born in the Modern Age, we tend, for didactic purposes, to highlight some central personalities. This is the case, for example, of the Spanish kings, Fernando and Isabel, who, marrying, unified the kingdoms of the region of Spain, in the 15th century, and built the mighty EmpireHispanic overseas. In the case of North America, especially the thirteen colonies of the United States, the prominent figures had no connection with aristocratic houses (or lineages of nobles and kings), but they were patriotic leaders who opposed the English crown, which eventually triggered the United States War of Independence (1775-1783).

The central motivation of the War of Independence was the application of the calls lawsprohibitive on the colonies by the British Crown, as the laws of the Stamp, of Sugar, gives Coin It's from Quartering. This last law provided for the mandatory supply of supplies to English soldiers, present on American soil, by the colonists. It came into effect after the

Seven Years War (1756-1763), fought on American soil between England and France, motivated by possession of territories.

However, the central point for the colonists' reaction to such kinds of law came with the so-called tea tax, which consisted of measures to devalue the price of tea in the colonies, not just by raising the tax on the production, but also by the entry of Chinese tea on the American domestic market at a lower price, set by the Crown English. This measure sparked the revolt carried out in 1773, which became known as “Boston Tea Party”. It didn't take long for the war for independence to break out. It was in the midst of the wars that the “founding fathers”, the main leaders of the settlers at that time, stood out.

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It was these leaders who drew up, in 1776, the United States Declaration of Independence and, after the war, in 1787, they composed the so-called Bill Of Rights, that is, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States of America, which prevails to this day. For this reason they were given the name “founding fathers”, or “fouding fathers”, as they are considered those who gave a political-legal architecture to the United States, claiming its right to exist as an independent nation-state.

The main names among the "founding fathers" are: John and SamuelAdams,GeorgeWashington (who became the first president), ThomasJefferson, GeorgeClymer, BenjaminFranklin,GeorgeTylor and GeorgeLegal

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "Founding Fathers of the United States"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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