Meaning of FSC (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an English expression that, in Portuguese, means "Forest Management Council". FSC is an independent, non-profit organization, founded in 1993, out of the need to ensure the environmental conservation and sustainable development of forests around the world.

FSC's mission is to promote responsible forest management and the rational use of the forest, through a set of norms called Principles and Criteria, which aim to guarantee the existence of the Forest.

The forest certification seal is issued by certifiers constantly monitored by the FSC and aims to ensure that the wood comes from of a productive process managed according to an ecologically adequate, socially just, economically viable management that complies with the laws in force.

The Principles and Criteria developed by FSC are internationally recognized and valid for certification. Each member country represents FSC nationally.

The FSC Brazil (Brazilian Forest Stewardship Council) was created in 2001 to ensure certification forestry in Brazil, whose advantages and benefits reach from the forest and industry companies to the consumer Final.

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A certified forest area is a guarantee not only of the origin of the wood, but also a guarantee for resellers and consumers, aware of the problems of environmental degradation, that they are using wood products originating from a good forest. managed.

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