Garlic is very good!

Garlic is very good! In fact, this statement belongs to all those who know the benefits of this homemade spice. But don't worry, from this moment on, you'll also find the garlic incredibly appetizing.
Dipropenyl disulfide is a compound capable of preventing heart disease, free radicals and women's attention: it prevents cervical cancer. And guess what is the biggest source of this compound? That's right, our daily garlic!
But unfortunately garlic does not have a very pleasant taste, especially in its most healthy: raw, if so it would be easy to maintain high levels of dipropenyl disulfide in our body. And the worst thing is that this seasoning leaves an unpleasant smell in the mouth, do you know why? Garlic is composed of two sulfur atoms, and it is precisely these atoms that give a “heavy breath” to those who eat it.
The good news is that when we cook garlic it loses some of its characteristic smell, because in the process the disulfide - responsible for the garlic odor - is volatilized. This way it is much easier to taste the seasoning and give your health a “little push”. But if you really don't like garlic, neither cooked nor raw, we have an option: capsules that contain garlic oil. This alternative appeared for anyone to have the excuses mentioned, they are natural capsules that can be easily ingested.

And the benefits of garlic do not stop there, it is considered beneficial for the heart because it helps to lower cholesterol levels, and also prevent gastric cancer, and ATTENTION! The ideal recommended dose is one clove of garlic a day. Enjoy your food!

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

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Effects of this substance on the body.

food chemistry - Chemistry - Brazil School

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Garlic is very good! "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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