Area of ​​a Triangle

Let's determine the area of ​​a triangle from the point of view of analytic geometry. So, consider any three points, not collinear, A(xTheyThe), B(xByB) and C (xçyç). As these points are not collinear, that is, they are not on the same line, they determine a triangle. The area of ​​this triangle will be given by:

Note that the area will be half the magnitude of the determinant of the coordinates of points A, B, and C.

Example 1. Calculate the area of ​​the triangle from vertices A (4, 0), B (0, 0) and C (0, 6).
Solution: First step is to calculate the determinant of the coordinates of points A, B and C. We will have:

Thus, we obtain:

Therefore, the area of ​​the triangle of vertices A (4, 0), B (0, 0) and C (0, 6) is 12.
Example 2. Determine the area of ​​the triangle of vertices A (1, 3), B (2, 5) and C (-2.4).
Solution: First we must perform the calculation of the determinant.

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Example 3. Points A (0, 0), B (0, -8) and C (x, 0) determine a triangle with an area equal to 20. Find the value of x.

Solution: We know that the area of ​​the triangle of vertices A, B and C is 20. Then,

By Marcelo Rigonatto
Specialist in Statistics and Mathematical Modeling
Brazil School Team

Analytical Geometry - Math - Brazil School

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RIGONATTO, Marcelo. "Triangle area through Analytical Geometry"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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