CVV (or CVV2) is the acronym for "Card Verification Value" which literally means "Card Verification Value". It is an acronym used by the Visa credit card company to designate the card security code CSC (Card Security Code).
CSC is a security code printed on credit cards that provides greater protection against fraud in Internet transactions. Using the code is an authentication procedure required by credit card companies.
The location of the security code and the number of code digits (three or four digits) will depend on the company to which the card belongs. On Visa or Mastercard cards, the code consists of the last 3 digits of a sequence normally located on the back of the card, on the signature line.
There are other acronyms related to the card security code. They vary by company. Examples:
- CVC (or CVC2) - Card Validation Code. It is the acronym used by the credit card company MASTERCARD.
- CID - Card ID. It is used by the American Express company. On this card, the code consists of four digits and is located on the front of the card.
The security code can also be denominated by: CVVC (Card Verification Value Code), V-Code or V Code (Verification Code), CCV (Card Code Verification) or CVD (Card Verification Data).