Meaning of IPVA (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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IPVA stands for Motor Vehicle Property Tax, which is a state tax with the goal of raising money on people's cars, no matter what type of vehicle for.

The IPVA is a tax that only the States and the Federal District are competent to institute, it cannot be an obligation of the Government, the collection is made by each state, with 50% of the total collected going to the state itself, and the other part belongs to the place where the vehicle was registered. The IPVA rate varies by state, and is determined based on each government, and its own criteria.

The only purpose of the IPVA is to collect money, and this tax is only charged on vehicles that travel on land, that is, it does not include any other type, such as boats, speedboats, etc. IPVA is charged annually, and is not related to the situation of the roads or streets, it is only for fiscal use.

IPVA can be paid in cash or in up to three installments, and one of the states with the highest IPVA rate is São Paulo.

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