Definition of PhD (What it is, Concept and Definition)

PhD is the acronym for Philosophiæ Doctor or Doctor of Philosophy, the last and highest academic title received by an individual. This is always conferred by a higher education establishment, such as a University.

Academic degrees are divided into undergraduate, graduate, masters, doctoral or PhD and postdoctoral degrees. A PhD or doctorate is the highest possible academic degree, as a post-doctorate is a continuation or complementation of the research carried out in the doctorate.

The title of Doctor is equivalent to the title of PhD, but this nomenclature is more used in Anglo-Saxon universities. The requirements for obtaining a PhD degree vary widely from country to country, depending on the education system in each place.

To receive a PhD title, it is essential to have a good academic curriculum, already have a history of publications. in scientific vehicles or by obtaining patents, in addition to qualities and experience in the field of research.

What is the difference between PhD and PhD?

These two post-graduations are carried out after the conclusion of the master's degree and have several similarities, the biggest difference between them being related to the place where they are taken.

In Brazil, for example, after the end of the master's degree, the researcher, if he wishes to continue his studies, can enter the doctorate. In the United States and European countries, the equivalent degree is a PhD.

These differences are a consequence of the way in which higher education is organized in each country. In most places where the PhD exists, this is called a third-cycle study, and it necessarily takes place after the completion of the first two cycles.

In this system, in comparison with Brazil, the first cycle corresponds to graduation and the second cycle is equivalent to master's degree.

This is the case of the European higher education system, which is organized in accordance with the Declaration of Bologna, a treaty valid since 1999, which provides for the organization and unification of higher education European.

See also the meaning of Doctor it's from University education and learn more about the meanings of Master's degree it's from Graduation.

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