Global Curiosities. All global curiosities

Planet Earth is composed of several peculiarities at different points. Below is some information about the world's physical, political, social and economic characteristics.

Percentage of the planet's territorial extension occupied by the continents: 29.3% equivalent to 150,157,348 Km2.

Percentage of the planet's territorial extension occupied by the oceans: 70.7%.

Highest point: Mount Everest, 8,848 m, located in Nepal and China.

Greatest depression: Dead Sea, -394m, located in Israel and Jordan.

Largest island: Greenland, 2,166,086 Km2.

Largest hydrographic basin: Amazon, 7,050,000 Km2.

Maximum recorded temperature: 58°C in El Azizia, Libya.

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Minimum recorded temperature: -89.6°C, in Antarctica.

World population: approximately 6.9 billion people.

Number of countries: 194.

Largest country: Russian Federation, 17,075,400 Km2.

Smallest country: Vatican, 0.44 Km2.

Highest HDI: Norway, 0.938.

Lowest HDI: Zimbabwe, 0.140.

Highest GDP: United States of America, 13.8 trillion.

Lowest GDP: Tuvalu, 30 million.

Longest life expectancy: Japan, 82.4 years.

Shortest life expectancy: Sierra Leone, 42.1 years.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Global Curiosities"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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