Cysticercosis: symptoms, transmission, treatment

THE cysticercosis is a disease triggered by ingestion of tapeworm eggs, a worm flatworm. Many authors consider that cysticercosis can be caused either by Taenia solium how much for T. saginate, however, some researchers assume that the T. saginate does not cause cysticercosis or is very rare. The disease can cause different symptoms depending on where the larvae settles. Neurocysticercosis stands out for its great clinical importance, which can trigger headaches and epilepsy.

Read too: Fish tapeworm (diphylobotriasis) - characteristics, symptoms, treatment

What is Cysticercosis?

Cysticercosis is a disease triggered by ingestion of tapeworm eggs. The tapeworm, both swine and cattle, has two hosts during its life cycle: a definitive and an intermediate. You human beings are the definitive hosts of tapeworms, being our intestine the place where the adult develops and reproduces.

In intermediate hosts (swine and cattle), tapeworms are in their larval stage, establishing themselves, for example, in skeletal muscles and also in cardiac muscle. THE

Cysticercosis occurs when we become intermediate hosts and we started to house the larval stage of the parasite.

Cysticercosis is transmitted through the ingestion of tapeworm eggs.
Cysticercosis is transmitted through the ingestion of tapeworm eggs.

After we ingest tapeworm eggs, they follow our digestive system and, when they reach the small intestine, the release of the embryos occurs. These fall into the bloodstream and settle in the different tissues of our body, being able to stay, for example, in the our eyes and in the central nervous system, the latter condition being known as neurocysticercosis.

The larva can also attach to other parts of the body, such as muscles and the subcutaneous region, but these findings present a lower risk to the patient, despite being a warning for larvae in other regions of the body. When parked in these places, they form a cyst, a kind of pouch in which the larvae develop. This cyst increases in size and forms the cysticerci.

  • Neurocysticercosis

Aneurocysticercosis is characterized by presence of cysticerci in the central nervous system, being the type of cysticercosis with major clinical importance. Can be classified into spinal or cerebral, depending on the affected region. In most cases, the parasite is found in the brain. It is a serious form of the disease that can cause problems such as headaches, convulsions, hydrocephalus, meningitis, dementia, and psychic alterations.

Treatment is individualized and depends on the location of the cysts and their degree of activity. Treatment may include surgery, antiparasitic drugs and medications that control some symptoms, such as drugs that reduce epileptic seizures.

Read too: The curious case of tapeworm cell cancer

How is cysticercosis transmitted?

As mentioned, cysticercosis is transmitted with the ingestion of tapeworm eggs. This happens when we ingest food or water contaminated by the feces of human beings who have taeniasis. This contamination can occur when feces are released into an inappropriate environment, contaminating, for example, the water that will be used for irrigation or even for consumption.

Improper hygiene habits can also cause the disease to spread, which may occur due to example, when a person with taeniasis without proper hygiene habits handles food or takes your hand the mouth.

It is important to make it clear that cysticercosis is not acquired by eating pork or beef with cysticerci. In this situation we have the development of a disease called taeniasis.

 When a person has taeniasis, it means that the adult worm is developing in their intestine.
When a person has taeniasis, it means that the adult worm is developing in their intestine.

What are the symptoms of cysticercosis?

Cysticercosis can cause different symptoms depending on the location of the cysticercus. When it affects the nervous system, can provoke seizures, headaches and even dementia. When reaching the eyes, it can provoke visual changes and even blindness.In the muscles and spine region, it can cause difficulty walking.

What is the treatment for cysticercosis?

The treatment of cysticercosis depends on where the cysticercus is. It may be based on treating symptoms alone, or it may include antiparasitic medications and surgery.

How to prevent cysticercosis?

Prevention of cysticercosis includes basic hygiene measures, how to always wash your hands as well as fruits and vegetables before consumption. It is also important to drink only Water filtered, boiled or treated, do not use human feces as fertilizer and use quality water for irrigation of gardens. Another point worth mentioning is never defecate in inappropriate places and treat cases of taeniasis, in order to prevent eggs from contaminating water and food.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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