Meaning of HDI (What it is, Concept and Definition)

HDI means Human development Index, an important measure conceived by the UN (United Nations) to assess the quality of life and economic development of a population.

The Human Development Report (HDR) is prepared annually by the United Nations Program for the Development (UNDP) based on three criteria (Health, Education and Income) which are measured from the following form:

  • A long and healthy life (Health): life expectancy at birth.
  • Access to knowledge (education): average years of schooling (adults) and expected years of schooling (children).
  • A decent standard of living (Income): measured by Gross National Income (GNI) based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPC) per inhabitant.

The HDI varies between 0 (no human development) and 1 (total human development), revealing that the closer it is to 1, the more developed the country. The world average of the 188 countries evaluated in 2014 was 0.702.

Below is a list of the top 10 countries in the 2014 Global HDI Ranking, according to the 2015 Human Development Report:

1st - Norway - 0.944
2nd - Australia - 0.935
3rd - Switzerland - 0.930
4th - Denmark - 0.923
5th - Netherlands - 0.922
6th - Germany - 0.916
6th - Ireland - 0.916
8th - United States - 0.915
9th - Canada - 0.913
10th - New Zealand - 0.913

It is important to point out that that year Brazil occupied the 75th position with an HDI of 0.755, having risen nine positions compared to 2010. The country with the lowest HDI (0.348) was Niger.

Learn more about Human development.

Brazil HDI

With a population of approximately 207 million inhabitants, Brazil has an HDI of 0.755, with an average of 9.96% of poverty.

HDI of Brazilian States

In this sense, the national ranking is in accordance with the model and data released in 2010 by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program), taking into account the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI):

1st - Federal District - 0.824
2nd - São Paulo - 0.783
3rd - Santa Catarina - 0.774
4th - Rio de Janeiro - 0.761
5th - Paraná - 0.749
6th - Rio Grande do Sul - 0.746
7th - Espírito Santo - 0.740
8th - Goiás - 0.735
9th - Minas Gerais - 0.731
10th - Mato Grosso do Sul - 0.729
11th - Mato Grosso - 0.725
12th - Amapá - 0.708
13th - Roraima - 0.707
14th - Tocantins - 0.699
15th - Rondônia - 0.690
16th - Rio Grande do Norte - 0.684
17th - Ceará - 0.682
18th - Amazon - 0.674
19th - Pernambuco - 0.673
20th - Sergipe - 0.665
21st - Acre - 0.663
22nd - Bahia - 0.660
23rd - Paraíba - 0.658
24th - Piauí - 0.646
24th - Pará - 0.646
26th - Maranhão - 0.639
27th - Alagoas - 0.631

HDI of Brazilian Municipalities

According to the Atlas of Human Development in Brazil 2013 (2010 Census)

1st - São Caetano do Sul (SP) - 0.862
2nd - Águas de São Pedro (SP) - 0.854
3rd - Florianópolis (SC) - 0.847
4th - Balneário Camboriú (SC) - 0.845
4th - Vitória (ES) - 0.845
6th - Santos (SP) - 0.840
7th - Niterói (RJ) - 0.837
8th - Joaçaba (SC) - 0.827
9th - Brasília (DF) - 0.824
10th - Curitiba (PR) - 0.823


The IDHAB corresponds to the Housing Development Institute, which has the task of registering and cataloging all the names of people interested in acquiring a property in a certain urban area under construction.

In Brasília, this body has already been extinguished, and as of 2003 it was replaced by SEDHAB - Secretariat for Housing, Regularization and Urban Development.

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