Meaning of GG WP (What it is, Concept and Definition)

GG WP stands for good game, well played, which means "good game, well played”, in the literal translation into Portuguese.

This acronym is used between the online game players, as a polite and quick way to thank you for the match, whether after a win or a loss.

In online games, participants are always in contact, especially when the games are in the cooperative or PVP format (player versus player, that is, “player against player”).

Typically, more experienced players simplify the use of this acronym using variations such as GG (good game) or simply WP (well played).

To the gamers (players) This expression is part of the good conduct of participants in online gaming communities.

However, GG WP can also be used as an insult when applied in a sense of sarcasm or irony. For example, when one of the opponents played very poorly and the winner sends a "good game", as a form of debauchery.

See also the meaning of roleplaying and MMO.

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