Check out the role of citizens in sustainable development here!

For the effective consolidation of a sustainable development process, it is necessary to participate collective, but in order to achieve it, it needs to start with the individual, that is, from the particular to the general.
In this sense, each individual must assess their set of behaviors and the possible consequences that they provoke in the environment and pursue their interests so that there are no major attacks on he.
Citizen participation is essential for the improvement and conservation of the planet for future generations, the performance of each individual seems to be little at the global level, however, if everyone becomes aware of the levels of consumption of products, energy, among others, the results will be enormous.
According to the theme in question, below are some attitudes that promote significant results at the regional and global level:
- Saving water in each residence, office, commercial buildings, among others, dispersing the idea of ​​the importance of reducing the costs of this rich resource that is essential for life. Taking care of hydraulic problems and worrying about the taps - if they are properly closed.

- In sunny periods, avoid turning on electric lights and using the light coming from the sun and propagate this attitude.
- Create green areas in the backyard and neighborhood, in addition to producing actions that contribute to the recovery of degraded areas in urban centers.
- Acting in sending letters, emails to companies and institutions that are generating some type of pollution, such as industries, bus and truck companies and also public agencies that oversee the degree of issue.
- Ask the city for cultural spaces, such as libraries, walking trails, community centers, among others.
- Observation in the traffic of vehicles with high polluting rates.
- Conducting protests and complaints in the mass media (TV, radio, newspapers, internet, among others) in cases of aggression and environmental impacts.
- Require, with environmental public agencies, selective collection in the neighborhoods.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

FREITAS, Eduardo de. "The citizen in sustainable development"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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