Fashion emerged in the mid-fifteenth century at the beginning of the European renaissance. The word moda means custom and comes from the Latin modus. The variation in the characteristic of the clothing emerged to differentiate what was previously the same, a style of clothing was used from childhood to death.
From the Middle Ages on, clothes were different, following a pattern that increased according to social class, there were even laws that restricted fabrics and colors only to nobles.
The bourgeoisie that was not noble, but was rich, started to imitate the noble style of clothes, starting a process of great work to the seamstresses who from then on were forced to produce different styles to differentiate the nobles from the bourgeois.
With the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the cost of fabrics decreased a lot, in 1850 with the invention of sewing machines the cost of fabrics dropped even more.
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From then on, even the most humble could buy better clothes.
Even after the ease of clothing, women were still deprived of modernity, continuing to wear tailored clothes. From this difficulty, haute couture emerged, which produced different styles through stylists who invented trends.
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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "The rise of fashion"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.