Popular sayings: the 30 most famous sayings in Brazil

Popular sayings are phrases or expressions considered wise, because they are passed from generation to generation and transmit experiences and knowledge that can help younger people understand certain behaviors and events.

The origin of expressions may or may not be known, as well as being uncertain. The phrases are spoken by the general population, regardless of age and social class.

Popular sayings are maintained over the years and are important elements of the culture national or local. They are still part of the Brazil's cultural diversity. Sometimes dictations cross the boundaries of theretongue Pportuguese and they can be translated, literally or not, into other languages, causing the same sense of wisdom.

There are sayings of folklore, sayings northeastern, religious sayings, sayings of love, funny sayings etc. These expressions are often charged in school tests, college entrance exams and And either, especially in text interpretation issues.

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Brasil Escola separated some of the main popular sayings and their meanings. Check out:

1) Haste is the enemy of perfection – shows that it is necessary to have patience and to do things slowly to reach the goals.

2) The rope always breaks on the weaker side – indicates that people with social class considered to be lower in relation to the other are harmed first.

3) Soft water on hard rock hits it until it pierces – signals that persistence is needed to get what you want.

4) Past water does not move the mill - it refers to the idea that what has passed, has passed, and that it is not possible to change the past.

5) Friends, friends, business apart – reveals that friendships can be shaken when money is involved. Therefore, it would not be good to mix them.

6) Each monkey on its branch – presents the concept that each one should take care of their own life and not interfere in the other's.

7) Dog that barks does not bite – shows that some people threaten with words, but, in fact, they do nothing, so there is no need to fear them.

See too: The popular origin of certain Brazilian expressions

8) Joana's mother's house – refers to a place where people are free to enter and do whatever they want, at any time.

9) Doctor and crazy, everyone has a little – signals that people, in general, have a more sensible side and a more impulsive side.

10) God helps early risers - determined people, who wake up early to work or study, achieve their goals.

11) From grain to grain, the chicken fills the crop – We use this saying when we want to say that a certain goal will be reached step by step.

12) Slowly go far – shows that people who do activities calmly, each one at their own time, are more successful than those who carry out their tasks in a hurry.

13) Tell who you're with and I'll tell them who you are states that a person's character can be defined by the character of their friendships.

14) Too much alms, even the saint distrusts – refers to the idea that, when a person praises another excessively or offers them gifts, it is because they may be wanting something behind.

15) Son of fish, fish is – shows that, in general, children have attitudes similar to those of their parents.

Popular sayings are passed down from generation to generation and convey experiences that can help younger people.
Popular sayings are passed down from generation to generation and convey experiences that can help younger people.

16) There are evils that come for good – means that an apparently bad event may represent something good in the future.

17) Better a bird in the hand than two in the bush – indicates that it is more important to have something less valuable, but concrete, than something valuable but difficult to obtain.

18) Empty Mind, Devil's Workshop – presents that, when someone has no activities, idle time takes over their mind, motivating them to have negative thoughts.

19) Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today – in this case, the idea is that the person does his activities right now, because later they will accumulate.

20) Do not put the cart before the horse – guides people to follow the natural course of things and not change them.

21) Not everything that glitters is gold – shows that appearances do not always count, you need to know a person better inside to know what their character is.

22) Where there is smoke, there is fire – indicates that when the person distrusts something or someone for having signs, there really is a reason for such distrust.

23) For a good understanding, half a word is enough – is used in situations where the speaker quickly catches the message the speaker is producing.

24) For him I put my hand in the fire – signals when a person blindly trusts another to the point of believing everything they say.

25) Who is not seen, is not remembered – emphasizes that people who isolate themselves or do not show themselves can be forgotten or replaced by others who are more visible.

26) Anyone who does not have a dog hunts with a cat – refers to the idea that, when we don't have some suitable object to carry out the activity, we should improvise.

27) Dirty clothes are washed at home – indicates that people should argue or fight only between family members, not in front of strangers.

28) Empty bag does not stand up – reveals that we must feed ourselves, because otherwise we will not have the strength and we may feel ill to the point of fainting.

29) Whoever wounds with iron, will be wounded with iron - it means that people who harm others will one day be harmed in the same way.

30) One day is for hunting, another for hunter – shows that people have days and days, which can be good or bad, therefore, life goes on.
By Silvia Tancredi

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