Mixed period or period composed of coordination and subordination

In order to understand what a mixed period is, let us first return to what is a period composed of coordination and a period composed of subordination.
The compound period is formed by two types of clauses that are structured in different ways, either by coordination or by subordination.
The period composed by coordination is formed by syntactically autonomous clauses and with their own meaning, that is, morphologically independent. Watch:
The mother called the son, but the father did not want to talk about the bulletin.
The first prayer “The mother called the child” has full meaning and forms a meaningful statement, so is the second prayer “the father did not want to talk about the bulletin”.
The period composed by subordination, on the other hand, consists of a main clause plus a subordinate clause so that there is complete meaning. So there is mutual dependence both syntactically (structure) and morphologically (meaning). Look:
We only want one thing: that you study!
The noun appositive subordinate clause "that you study" plays a syntactic function in relation to the main clause "We only want one thing". Note that the subordinate clause is related to the main clause verb "we want" and is equivalent as a complement when it morphologically exercises the function of a direct object, absent in prayer main.

The mixed period or period composed of coordinated and subordinate clauses in the same period may also occur. Look:
The teacher corrected the tests and helped the students who were having more difficulty.
The prayer “The teacher corrected the tests” is a coordinated prayer and therefore has full meaning, as well as the prayer “helped the students”. On the other hand, the prayer “who were having more difficulty” is subordinated to “it helped the students”.

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Mixed period or period composed of coordination and subordination"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/periodo-misto-ou-periodo-composto-por-coordenacao-.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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