According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, politics is the science that aims at human happiness and is divided into ethics (which is concerned with man's individual happiness in the City-State, or polis), and in politics itself (which is concerned with happiness collective). Politics is situated in the realm of practical sciences, that is, the sciences that seek knowledge as a means of action.
Aristotle said:
"We see that every city is a kind of community, and every community is formed with a view to some good, since all the actions of all men are done with an eye to what seems to them a good; if all communities aim at some good, it is evident that the most important of them all, and that it includes all the others, has more than all this objective and aims at the most important of all goods; it is called the city and it is the political community" (Pol., 1252a).
Finally, the Policy is everything related to the pursuit of actions for both individual and collective well-being.
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Politics - Brazil School
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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Politics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.