Calculations involving Proust's Law

THE Proust's Law is also known as the Law of Constant Proportions because, regardless of the mass of a decomposed substance, the masses of the originating substances will always follow the same proportion. The same reasoning can be used in a synthesis reaction, that is, the proportion of masses of reagents used is always constant for the formation of the product.

In this text, we will emphasize the calculations involving the Proust's Law To do this, we will use examples to clearly demonstrate how calculations based on this law should be performed. Follow up!

Examples of calculations involving Proust's Law

1º) Find the values ​​of A and B in the synthesis reaction of magnesium oxide from metallic magnesium and oxygen gas. To do this, use the data provided in the table below:

2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO

Mg mass

O mass2

MgO mass

48 g

32 g

80 g

96 g



Analyzing the data in the table, we observe that the exercise asks us to find the values ​​of the masses represented by A and B. Knowing that Proust's Law is the Law of Constant Proportions, we have to:

m1mg = m1O2 = m1MgO
2mg = m2O2 = m2MgO

m1mg = 48 g

m1O2 = 32 g

m1MgO = 80 g

m2mg = 96 g

m2O2 = A

m2MgO = B

  • To find the value of A, let's apply Proust's law through the following relationship:

m1mg = m1O2
m2mg = m2O2

48 = 32
96 A

Multiplying cross:

48.A = 96.32

48.A = 3072

A = 3072

A = 64 g

  • To find the value of B, let's apply Proust's law through the following relationship:

m1O2 = m1MgO
m2O2 m2MgO

32 = 80

Multiplying cross:

32.B = 80.64

32.B = 5120

B = 5120

B = 160 g

Observation: The resolution of this exercise could be done in a simpler way, since, if Proust's law proposes proportion in mass, the masses of A and B would be double the masses 32 and 80 respectively. This would be possible because the mass of 96g of Mg is twice the mass of 48g.

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2º) The combustion reaction of ethanol (C2H6O) produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Calculate the X, Y, and Z masses using the data provided below:

Ç2H6O + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 3 H2O

C mass2H6O

O mass2

CO mass2

H mass2O

46 g

96 g

88 g

54 g

9.2 g




Analyzing the data in the table, we observe that the exercise asks us to find the values ​​of the masses represented by X, Y and Z. Knowing that Proust's Law is the Law of Constant Proportions, we have to:

m1C2H6O = m1O2 = m1CO2 = m1H2O
 m2C2H6O m2O2 m2CO2 m2H2O

m1C2H6 = 46 g

m2C2H6O = 9.2 g

m1O2 = 96 g

m2O2 = X g

m1CO2 = 88 g

m2CO2 = Y

m1H2O = 54 g

m2H2O = Z

  • To find the value of X, let's apply Proust's law through the following relationship:

m1C2H6O = m1O2
m2C2H6O m2O2

 46  = 96
9.2 X

Multiplying cross:

46.X = 96.9.2

46.X = 883.2

X = 883,2

X = 19.2 g

  • To find the value of Y, let's apply Proust's law through the following relationship:

m1O2 = m1CO2
2O2 m2CO2

 96  = 88
19.2 Y

Multiplying cross:

96.Y = 19.2.88

96.Y = 1689.6

Y = 1689,6

Y = 17.6 g

  • To find the value of Z, let's apply Proust's law through the following relationship:

m1CO2 = m1H2O
m2CO2 m2H2O

 88  = 54
17.6 Z

Multiplying cross:

88.Z = 17.6.54

88.Z = 950.4

Z = 950,4

Z = 10.8 g

By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias

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DAYS, Diogo Lopes. "Calculations involving Proust's Law"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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