Cardinal numbers. List of Cardinal Numerals in English

Cardinal numerals are used in our daily lives to express various functions, including: saying the telephone number, expressing addresses and talking about prices. Below is a list of the main cardinal numerals:

0- zero
1- one
2- two
3- three
4- four
5- five
6- six
7- seven
8- eight
9- nine
10- have
11- eleven
12-  twelve
13- Thirteen
14- fourteen
15- Fifteen
16- sixteen
17- seventeen
18- eigtheen
19- nineteen
20- twenty
21- twenty-one
25- twenty-five
30- thirty
36 - thirty-six
40- forty
48- forty-eight
50- fifty
57 – fifty-seven
60- sixty
63- sixty-three
70- seventy
77- seventy-seven
80- eighty
84- eight-four
90- ninety
99- ninety-nine
100 - one hundred/a hundred
157 - one hundred and fifty-seven
200 - two hundred
300 - three hundred
400- four hundred
500 - fifty hundred
600 - six hundred
700 - seven hundred
800 - eight hundred
900 - nine hundred
1000 - one thousand / a thousand
2000- two thousand
3000- three thousand
4000- four thousand
5000- five thousand
6000- six thousand
7000- seven thousand
8000- eight thousand
9000- nine thousand
10000- ten thousand
100000- one hundred thousand
1000000000- one million


Where do you live? (Where do you live?)
I live in that building, apartment 214. (I live in that building, in apartment 214).

What's your telephone number? (What's your phone number?)
It is 2582-1520. (two five eight two, one five two oh). (É 2582 1520).
Note: When it comes to phone numbers, we don't say “zero”, but rather “oh” (pronounced “or”).

How much is this doll? (How much does this doll cost?)
It is $299.9. (two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents). (It's two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents).

Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages ​​- English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English by Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA

English - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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