Conjugation of the verb vacuefazer

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See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb vacuefazer.

Gerund: vacuuming

Type of verb: irregular

Past participle: vacuumeffect

Infinitive: vacuefaz

Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive

Syllabic division: va-cue-do

Conjugation of the verb vacuefazer in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I vacuate
you vacuum
he/she voids
we vacuum
you vacuedo
they vacuate
Imperfect past tense I would vacuum
you would vacuum
he/she voided
we would vacate
you vacuedo
they vacuated
Past perfect I vacuumed
you vacuumed
he/she vacuumed
we vacuumed
you emptied
they vacuefed
Past perfect tense I vacuumed
you vacuumed
he/she had emptied
we would vacuum
you will void
they vacuefed
Future of the present I will vacate
you will vacuum
he/she will vacuum
we will vacate
you will vacate
they will vacate
Future of past tense I would vaccinate
you would vacuum
he/she would vacuum
we would vacate
you would vacate
they would vacate

Conjugation of the verb vacuefazer in the subjunctive mood:

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Verb tense Conjugation
Gift let me go
that you will do
let him/her go
let us vacate
that you vacate
that they vacate
Imperfect past tense if I vacuumed
if you vacuumed
if he/she vacuumed
if we vacuumed
if you vacated
if they vacated
Future when I vacuum
when you vacuum
when he/she vacuums
when we vacuum
when you vacate
when they vacate

Conjugation of the verb vacuefazer in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


Vacuefaz you
Vacuate him/her
let's do it ourselves
vacuefaz you
Vacuate them

Negative imperative


don't go crazy, you
don't make him/her angry
let's not go crazy, let's do it
don't be lazy
don't let them go crazy

Conjugation of the verb vacuefazer in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for vacuuming me
for vacuuming you
for vacating him/her
for vacating us
for vacating yourselves
for vacating them

Source: Brazil School -

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