Meaning of ISO (What it is, Concept and Definition)

ISO is the acronym for International Organization for Standardization, or International Organization for Standardization, in Portuguese. ISO is a standardization and standardization entity, and was created in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1947.

The acronym for International Organization for Standardization it should be IOS and not ISO. However, as each country with different languages ​​would have a different acronym, the founders decided to choose a single acronym for all countries: ISO. This was the chosen acronym because in Greek isos means "equal", which fits the purpose of the organization in question.

ISO's main objective is to approve international standards in all technical fields, such as technical standards, country classifications, procedural and process standards, and so on. In Brazil, ISO is represented by ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).

ISO promotes the standardization of companies and products, to maintain permanent quality. Its best known standards are ISO 9000,

ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and ISO 14064. ISO 9000 and 9001 are a quality management system applied in companies, and ISO 14000 and ISO 14064 are an environmental management system.

ISO 9000 and 9001

ISO 9000 E 9001 they are a set of preventive actions to guarantee and standardize a service or a product. For a company to receive any ISO certificate, it must go through a project with several phases, to ensure that the processes are implemented correctly.

ISO file

An ISO is a CD or DVD image of a file. ISO image (has the extension .iso) and is one of the most popular formats for distributing files over the internet, as it facilitates downloading and future data recording. An ISO file has the contents of a CD or DVD, and there are several programs that are capable of playing the contents of the file.

See also: the meanings of ABNT and NBR.

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