Beriberi: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

O beriberiis a disease caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, also called thiamine. That Vitamin is related, among other functions, with the metabolism of carbohydrates, driving nerve impulses and metabolism aerobic. The needs for this vitamin are met through food, the vitamin being present, for example, in pulses, cereals and pork and beef.

Vitamin B1 deficiencies can occur due to poor diet and illnesses that increase the need for this vitamin. the beriberi can cause nerve damage, generating sensitivity problems and reduced muscle strength. In more severe forms, it can also cause:

  • cardiac insufficiency,

  • encephalopathy,

  • neuropsychiatric disorders.

Despite being a easy-to-treat disease, beriberi can cause death.

Read too: Hypovitaminosis - diseases caused by lack of vitamins in the body

Vitamin B1 and beriberi

Beriberi is the name given to a disease triggered by vitamin B1 deficiency, a vitamin that does not have a long-lasting reserve in our body, and must therefore be ingested daily. In about two to three months, if there is no adequate daily intake of the vitamin, the first symptoms of deficiency begin to appear. According to the “Consultation Guide for Epidemiological Surveillance, Assistance and Nutritional Care of the Cases of Beriberi”:

“the daily requirement of thiamine is 1.1 and 1.2mg/day for female and male adolescents and adults, respectively, and 1.4 and 1.5mg/day for pregnant and nursing women, respectively”.

A diet rich in vitamin B1 prevents the development of beriberi.
A diet rich in vitamin B1 prevents the development of beriberi.

Beriberi is directly related to a Vitamin B1 deficient dietHowever, other situations can trigger the problem. people who ingest lots of alcohol, for example, may also be deficient in this vitamin, as they usually eat unhealthy. In addition, alcohol increases the demand for Complex B vitamins and influences the absorption process of this vitamin and its metabolism.

Other situations that can cause disability are the pregnancy and lactation, certain diseases, such as cancer, liver failure and gastrointestinal problems and dialysis.

It is noteworthy that the diseaseis not widespread in the population., being observed isolated foci occasionally. According to the Ministry of Health, in our country, since 2006, cases of beriberi have been identified in the states of Maranhão, Tocantins and Roraima. Faced with these cases, a series of actions were developed to monitor and prevent the disease in these places.

Read too: what are the rbaits from the consumption of alcoholic beverages?

Signs and symptoms of beriberi

Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause cardiovascular and neural function impairment. Among the manifestations of beriberi, we can mention:

  • weakness in the lower limbs,

  • abdominal discomfort,

  • general malaise,

  • anorexia,

  • paresthesia,

  • edema,

  • peripheral neuropathy,

  • cardiac insufficiency.

At clinical forms from beriberi are:

  • dry beriberi: dry beriberi is characterized by predominantly affecting the lower limbs, causing tingling and loss of sensation, leg pain, muscle wasting with loss of function and paralysis of the extremities lower.

  • wet beriberi: in wet beriberi, edema appears and important manifestations in the cardiovascular system, and this clinical form is characterized by high-output heart failure.

  • beriberi shoshin: in Shoshin beriberi, there are also manifestations in the cardiovascular system, and this form is characterized by sudden onset fulminant heart failure.

  • Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome: This form occurs primarily in alcoholics and combines Wernicke's encephalopathy with Korsakoff's syndrome, a neuropsychiatric disorder.

Alcoholism is related to the development of beriberi.
Alcoholism is related to the development of beriberi.

Diagnosis and treatment of beriberi

The diagnosis of beriberi is clinical, analyzing the patient's signs and symptoms. However, laboratory tests may be requested, such as measurement of serum thiamine and urinary thiamine excretion.

The treatment of beriberi is done with the vitamin B1 replacement, being observed a quick response of the patient to the treatment. It is also important that the patient adopts a healthier eating with the inclusion of foods containing the vitamin.

beriberi prevention

As we have seen throughout the text, beriberi is caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency. So it is possible to prevent keeping you adequate levels of this vitamin in the body through healthy eating.

Vitamin B1 is found in grains, nuts, cereals, vegetables and meats. It is also worth noting that the consumption of beverages that hinder the absorption of this vitamin, such as alcoholic beverages and coffee, should be avoided.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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