Glass packaging as a solution for the environment

The modernization of packaging generated a great prejudice in relation to glass packaging. Plastic was chosen to replace the old-fashioned glass, which seemed very practical and economical would be the first step towards an environmental catastrophe.
The new packaging gained space in consumers' lives and at the same time in the environment, in the form of non-degradable waste. We just look around us and there they are, the plastic packaging giving a terrifying air to nature. They represent today the main polluting source, and remind us with nostalgia of the time when they did not exist and, in fact, we lived very well without them.
The goal now is to highlight the advantages of glass, such as:
• Recyclable
• Inert
• Waterproof
• Does not leave flavor or taste in content
• Returnable (use of glass for the same purpose several times)
• Reusable (use of packaging in different ways for which it was manufactured)

Recycling a glass container is synonymous with savings, since it can be recycled infinitely, without loss of product quality or purity. If you were to produce a bottle using the extraction of virgin raw materials (ores), added to the cost of energy in the process of obtaining it, we would have a much greater expense than reusing broken glass. The recycling process uses less energy and the original material is reused.

A question may arise: if glass is the material that takes the longest to decompose in nature, how can it not harm it? Due to the inert (non-reactive) characteristic of glass, it does not release contaminating residues into the soil or groundwater, as it does not react with the components present. But remember: the best alternative is recycling, so as not to increase the volume in landfills.
Glass packaging is retaking its place in the market, through improvement techniques the material gained lightness without losing its resistance. It is necessary to give up the comfort provided by the practicality of plastic packaging and adhere to heavy glass in favor of nature. After all, we are the main culprits for environmental pollution.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

See more!
Types of glass
recycling packaging

Environmental Chemistry - Chemistry - Brazil School

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Glass packaging as a solution for the environment"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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