Brazilian economic perspectives. economic perspectives

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The most developed countries reached a very high level of growth, mainly the USA, Japan and some countries in Europe. Therefore, they reached a point where their economies stagnated and some even declined (they did not reach a negative balance, but there was a drop in the growth rate).

However, emerging countries, such as Brazil, India and China, are starting to give their boom of growth. It is these countries, mainly, that have the highest economic growth rates in the recent years and that, according to some economists, will reach the same level and level of countries developed.

These countries mentioned as emerging today have a crystallized, fortified, stable economy. In the last world crisis, they were the ones who suffered the least from it. At the Brazil, in fact, this wave of the crisis arrived as if it were a “ripple”, as it did not shake the country's economic structure.

O Brazil it is still an agricultural country, with an economy based on the countryside. If in the past the idea was to export raw raw material, the concept now has to be different: add value to this raw material. Instead of exporting soy

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in nature, adds value, industrializing it, producing biodiesel, cooking oil and other derivatives for export.

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With the pre-salt discoveries on its Atlantic coast, the scenario became even more positive. Now, it is necessary to think of rational ways to take advantage of this opportunity provided by nature.

At Brazilian economic perspectives are the best possible. There is a diversity in its industrial production. Interest rate and inflation prospects tend to decline or remain stable. The external debt is at low levels, never seen before, with a high international currency reserve. The counterpoint is only internal public spending, which is still very high.

As in other countries, it is necessary to invest in education, both for the production of qualified labor and for the creation of intellectuals who will produce the technologies. These are the basic pillars for Brazil to consolidate itself as a world power.

By Regis Rodrigues
Graduated in Geography

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ALMEIDA, Regis Rodrigues de. "Brazilian economic perspectives"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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