What is Scientific Research?

Scientific research is the practical application of a set of methodical investigation processes used by a researcher to develop a study.

It is characterized by being an extremely disciplined investigation, which follows the formal rules of procedures for acquire the necessary information and raise the hypotheses that support the analysis made by the researcher (scientist).

Through this set of procedures, scientific research aims to find answers to certain questions proposals for the development of an experiment or study, in order to produce new knowledge aimed at the benefit of science.

This type of research is dedicated to conducting studies with an innovative approach, where the researcher assesses whether the theme presents is of interest to the scientific community and whether the results of the study will be relevant to the interest Social.

Scientific research can also approach an existing study, as a way to refute the results produced in this research.

In this sense, scientific research becomes a link between the researcher and the scientific community, which makes the publication and dissemination of these studies extremely important for the production of knowledge. scientific.

Learn more about the meaning of Research.

Types of scientific research

Scientific research can be classified as to the approach to the problem and its objectives. As for the approach to the problem, the research can be:

Quantitative: method that uses different statistical techniques to quantify opinions and information.

Qualitative: it is a descriptive method that explores the details of the research and the experience of the interviewee or researcher.

Learn more about Quantitative research and Qualitative research.

In relation to the intended objectives, the research is classified as:

Exploratory: it has a greater proximity to the universe related to the research object. Examples: Case Studies and Bibliographic Research.

Descriptive: performs a data survey through standardized collection techniques, such as questionnaires or forms, for example.

Explanatory: intends to explain the factors that motivate the realization of the studied object or phenomenon. In the natural sciences the experimental method is used, while in the social sciences the observational method is used.

To learn more, see also the meaning of the different Search Types.

Scientific research methodology

In methodological terms, for scientific research to have its best use, it is necessary to use of the scientific method, a set of elements considered basic for carrying out the study.

How to carry out scientific research?

To produce a scientific research, the researcher must follow some of the basic elements of the scientific method, such as:

research problem

It consists of formulating questions that the research intends to answer during its development, whose answers are new and relevant.

Information and selection of relevant sources (bibliographic review)

It is the part where the information and the selection of sources necessary to initiate the answers to the research questions is determined.

At this stage, the researcher should seek a variety of works by authors who have already studied central aspects of the chosen topic. In addition to serving as a basis for the analysis of the work, the scientist can also refute some conclusion previously found by another researcher, for example.

Definition of actions (applied methodology)

At this stage of the research, it is necessary to define which actions and strategies to use for the research to produce the information. In other words, what data collection methods the researcher will use (questionnaires, interviews, etc.).

processing of information

It consists of selecting a process that is capable of handling and interpreting the collected information.

In short, it consists of how to present the data found in the previous step (tables, graphs, etc). However, first it is necessary to find a method of measuring the information collected that is efficient.

Production and reliability of responses

In the final process of scientific research, it is time to find out if all the methods used were successful answer the questions asked, in addition to indicating the reliability of the information produced by these methods.

Learn more about Scientific methodology and see what to write in the methodology.

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