Uniform Movement Graphics

Uniform motion is motion where the velocity does not change with time, that is, the velocity is constant.
Knowing that the average scalar speed of a rover can be given by:

v = Δs

Δs = s - s0, is the variation of space, measured in meters (m)
Δt = t - t0, is the variation of time, measured in seconds (s)
Making the initial time equal to zero (t0 = 0) we have:

v = y - y0

Isolating the final space(s) in the equation, we have to:
y = y0 + v.t, v ≠ 0 (hourly function of space in MU)
We can observe that space is a function of time s = f(t), 1st degree in t.
A 1st degree function is graphically represented by a straight line, in the Cartesian coordinate system, in relation to the time axis.
For v > 0 the function is increasing, so the graph of the function can be:

MU graph for v = cte. >0

We note that the graph of the function is a rising line, therefore, the movement is progressive, that is, the mobile moves in the same direction and direction as the trajectory orientation.
For v < 0 the function is descending, and the graphical representation of the function is:

MU graph, for v = cte. < 0

In this case, the velocity is less than zero (v < 0), the movement is retrograde, that is, the mobile moves in the opposite direction to the trajectory orientation.
Speed ​​graphics
As the average scalar velocity is constant, the graphs can be:
1 – For v > 0:

v > 0 - Progressive Movement

Note that the velocity graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, for v = f(t). This function is a constant function.
2 – For v < 0:

v < 0 - Retrograde Motion

Note: The graphics do not determine the trajectory, they only represent the motion functions.
Since in uniform motion the acceleration is null (a=0), the graph of the acceleration is a straight line that coincides with the time axis.

MU acceleration graph

* cte = constant

See more!!!
Uniformly Varied Motion Graphics

By Kléber Cavalcante
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

mechanics - Physics - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/graficos-movimento-uniforme-mu.htm

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