Evolution of dinosaurs. How did dinosaurs evolve?

at the end of the period Permian, which occurred between 245 and 286 million years ago, there was a great extinction of species that inhabited the Earth's surface. Approximately 90% of the species that inhabited here have disappeared and this is likely to have been caused by changes. climate, such as the cooling of the Earth, which formed large glaciers, caused the fall in sea levels and the drying up of lakes and rivers.

in the era Mesozoic, the level of the oceans rose again, and the climate became warmer, promoting the reappearance of living beings. Although many people think that dinosaurs all lived at the same time, this is not right, as during the 160 million years years when these animals dominated the Earth, many species of dinosaurs emerged, while many other species became extinguished.

in the period Triassic (from 208 to 245 million years ago), reptiles began to diversify and give rise to the first dinosaurs. Many experts suggest that the first dinosaurs were carnivores and predators, coming, after a few thousand years, to prefer a vegetarian diet. O

Herrerasaurus it is one of the oldest known dinosaurs and lived approximately 200 million years ago. At the end of the Triassic period, about 205 million years ago, dinosaurs more evolved than the Herrerasaurus; one of them was theCoelophysis, one of the first dinosaurs that hunted in groups.

in the period Jurassic (from 144 to 208 million years ago), the greatest dinosaurs of all time emerged: they were the brachiosaurs, who maintained a diet based only on vegetables. But during that time it wasn't just herbivorous dinosaurs that emerged. You compound were carnivorous animals that fed on insects and small reptiles, but experts believe that this dinosaur supplemented their diet with carrion.

During the period Cretaceous (from 66 to 144 million years ago), the large herbivorous dinosaurs were being replaced by small dinosaurs, also herbivores, such as the triceratops. It is important to remember that it was during this period that one of the biggest carnivorous dinosaurs of the time, the tyrannosaurus, and also other smaller carnivorous dinosaurs that hunted in groups, such as the raptor.

It was at the end of the Cretaceous period that the mass extinction of thousands of living beings that inhabited the Earth's surface, including dinosaurs, took place.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/animais/evolucao-dos-dinossauros.htm

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