Base 10 Powers

At base 10 powers they are perhaps the most important powers, as they are widely used in the study of other sciences, such as physics.

Let's see what happens when we operate base 10:

100 = 1

101 = 10

102 = 100

103 = 1.000

104 = 10.000

105 = 100.000




10no = 1000...00

The powers of base 10 are formed by the digit 1 followed by zeros of the amount of the exponent number. If we want to represent the power of 1025, we will have the number 1 followed by twenty-five zeros. Therefore, the power 10nois formed by the number 1 followed by n-times the digit 0.

If we have the negative exponent, just put this result in the denominator of a power whose numerator is 1. We can also write it in decimal form, with the exponent number indicating the number of digits after the decimal point. For example:

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10-1 1 = 0,1

10-2 1 = 0,01

10-3 1 = 0,001

10-4 1 = 0,0001




10-n 1 = 0,000...01

By Amanda Gonçalves
Graduated in Mathematics

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RIBEIRO, Amanda Gonçalves. "Base 10 Powers"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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